chapter 12

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Sting's pov

I heard a knock on the door. I was still frozen from the fear that courses through my whole body, each memory of him flowing through my mind as I remembered all he had done to me once upon a time ago when I was his apprentice. I listened to Minerva open the door.

"Father. I didn't expect you to come. Come in." Her voice came out strong but even I knew she was scared because I heard her voice slightly shake. I heard loud footsteps coming in and then that same terrifying grouchy voice spoke.

"I heard that you weren't able to stop that dark guild by yourself Minerva." I heard Minerva's voice hitch as I heard her start to panic. Suddenly I heard a loud smack and slamming against a wall. I heard her voice crack as she tried not to cry out. Unfortunately what came out was a whimper which must've symbolized weakness as I heard more slamming against walls. I felt anger rising until the slamming stopped. He had to stop this otherwise she'd be forced to into a miscarriage.

"Next time I say you do something you do it Minerva! I don't care if you're going against twenty million dragons! You will finish the job or die trying!" He shouted as I heard one last slam and Minerva's straining breath as she choked.

"Yes father. I promise I'll do better next time." Her voice was strained as he let go of her.

"Good because I need you do some spying." He seemed serious at least to me. He acted like she was his personal dog though. I heard him let go of her and a cough from Minerva.

"Of course Father. Who exactly?" She asked, still going into coughing fit.

"Your teacher Sting Eucliffe. There's rumors being spread around that's he's sleeping with a student and I want you to confirm if it's true or not. You'll be moving in with him and if he is you'll make him pay for tarnishing our reputation. Am I clear?" His tone was stern and I heard her breathing was changed into that of a person who was scared of the person in front of them. He really had her wrapped around his finger. I was excited though as finally we'd living together, in peace I hope. Actually I might've been getting carried away as she was supposed to be spying on me to see if I was sleeping with a student *cough* yeah, awkward when you're the student I'm sleeping with.

"What?! I can't do that!" She whined which I could tell was acting and then I heard another loud slap.

"You will do it or else consider your scholarship invalid." He threatened which I heard her sigh to.

"Fine then get my belongings there snappy. I better not see one thing missing or else." She threatened back before walking to her room. I heard a "hmph" from her father before he left and walked out of the apartment. I started to hear uncontrollable sobbing coming out of her main room. I quickly ran into the room and saw her curled up in a ball on her bed. I looked at her before getting in the bed with her and holding her close. She continued to sob until finally calming down with the crying but I could hear her abnormal breathing which made me believe she was going through a panic attack. She soaked my shirt from her tears but I didn't care, I continued to soothe her the best I could, playing with her hair and gently kissing her forehead. I felt my cheeks burn when I felt her kissing on my neck softly and loving. I'd be lying if I said that wasn't hot and seductive but I was here for support not doing it. Plus neck kisses were innocent right? Okay they were both innocent and not very innocent but I couldn't take advantage over the girl now could I?

"What happened? I heard a shit ton of smashing against walls." I asked her as i stroked her hair some more.

"He was upset. I failed my mission by letting them run away. What was I to do though when they all started up their dragon force? It hurts to breathe.." she replied shivering, her body shaking badly as I listened to her harsh breathing. She was right though. I wouldn't have expected that much from her. Her pained harsh inhales increased as I heard her crying once again. I never once thought she was this vulnerable, I always imagined the princess of Sabertooth as a strong girl who never let her emotions get the best of her but seeing different these past months made me wonder if she was hiding more from me. It took her awhile of crying, gasping for air, crying again, and whimpering for her to eventually fall asleep in my arms. Her soft but harsh sounding snores made me smile as I tried to put her down but she stopped me, grabbing my sleeve. I paused before looking at her, she was still asleep but unconsciously grabbing my sleeve for comfort. I sighed softly, knowing I wasn't going home tonight and stripped out of my clothes, leaving only my gray boxers on before getting in bed with her. I held her close to me as she made sure to get up close to me for comfort. Well for us life was only going to get harder as the heat went up. Everytime we nearly got caught we'd nearly jump a couple hundred feet to pretend we weren't doing anything suspicious. Of course Minerva's mission was easy since she was basically spying on herself and giving her father false information. I can't miss out on what the guild's said about our love though right?

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