Chapter 4

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Sting's pov

I watched her battle my brother and that weird water girl who always chased after one of fairy tail's guild members. I noticed she usually toyed with her opponents as if to tire them before she attacks. She was constantly switching herself out of the way of attacks, making sure they were getting it from each other. Minerva did something nobody expected. The heat changed to hot and humid and it showed on Juvia's face. Rogue had gotten used to the fact Minerva could manipulate the temperature of the arena. I noticed a lot of the other members were sweating. I watched as Juvia came down from the sky, attempting to smash into Minerva with her foot. Suddenly the two switched places and Juvia was the one receiving the attack. Rogue sent Minerva flying with a dragon roar, making her hit the ground several times as she rolled. She struggled to get up. Suddenly Erza showed up in her sea empress armor, attacking Juvia. Juvia looked shocked as she attempted to block her attacks which failed. Minerva focused on Rogue now.

"I wonder if your strength comes only from your magic Milady.. it seems you're struggling since I hit you with that dragon roar."

With that Rogue disappeared into the shadows. Minerva still struggled to get up and cried out as suddenly she flew up in the air and received a elbow to the gut. I watched her worriedly. Rogue walked up to her and attempted to charm her but froze when she suddenly swept his feet out from under him. She sat down on him and punched him in the nose before forcing him to look into her eyes. Before long she charmed him and got up. She hurried to Erza who was attacking a now weaker Juvia. Minerva blocked an attack from Juvia as she sent it back towards her but now the water was boiling. Juvia cried out in pain from the boiling water before being taken out by another punch and then a kick by Erza.

"Well you were a good opponent Juvia but now you're mine."

Minerva said monotonous as she charmed Juvia. That was the end. Now Minerva's last obstacle was me. Whatever she'd ask for I'd give of course but I kind of hoped she'd ask what I wanted her to. We'd known each other forever and I wanted her desperately. As Minerva was getting healed along with the people she charmed, I walked up to her.

"That was quite the fight. Think you have a chance against me Miss Orland?"

I teased as I sat down next to her. She rolled her eyes before wincing as they continued to heal her more.

"I have some of the most powerful people in my grasp so yes. Your brother did a number on me though."

She said as she got up, ready for our battle. I grinned as I walked towards the battle zone. The bell rung and I attacked her immediately. She took the kick well as she sent orbs at me, each blowing up if they got close enough. I positioned myself as I powered up my dragon roar. She barely dodged it but even then it still clipped her. She started bleeding but I couldn't let her win easily. She held her side gently as I threw a punch at her before receiving a punch myself. I winced with a grin as I wiped the blood off my lip. As I said I wasn't giving up easily she would have to work for that reward. I felt myself being lifted up before I realized that she put me in a orb. I felt nauseous as I covered my mouth. Ugh... Stupid motion sickness. I felt a whole lot of pain as the orb she placed me in blew up. It took everything in me not exclaim my pain. Suddenly before I realized it she teleported to me and had me looking into her eyes. I was charmed. Damn me for being so easy. My words and thoughts weren't my own as I thought about how much I loved her.

"Ara ara~ Miss Orland is looking especially cute today~"

I said as I pulled her into a hug. She shoved me off as she turned into a blushing mess. I grinned until suddenly the charm was off. I blinked as the charm was taken off. She had handed the earrings back to the platter. She smiled at Fairy tail's teacher before walking off. Yukino followed her and grabbed her arm gently as the bell rung. Wow I forgot the time.. I didn't think school ended already. I walked home quickly as I got ready for the dance. I slipped on a white suit which yes seemed more for a wedding but I'm a white dragon slayer. I styled my hair and grinned at myself as I thought I was hot as hell. I mean I wasn't wrong. I walked out of my apartment and walked to the school, finding the place of the dance. I approached my brother with a smile. He rolled his eyes before smiling back.

"You plan on getting married hot shot? If you're wondering where Milady is, she hasn't come with Yukino yet. I'm sure they'll be here soon though but are you positive on chasing Milady?"

He asked worriedly as he looked anxiously at the door. I frowned at his question. Was he protective over Minerva because he knew something I didn't? Suddenly just like that Minerva and Yukino walked through the door, smiling and laughing. My jaw dropped as I looked at Minerva. A beautiful royal blue dress that looked like that one characters dress from Roger Rabbit that was fit for a princess. She wore gold stud earrings, with her hair up in a messy bun that had a pin in it. she even wore a crown as if to symbolize she was the princess of this school. She was currently smiling until someone grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

"Come on missy let's play~"

The man pleaded in his drunk state. Minerva frowned as she snatched away her wrist.

"Absolutely not. Not interested Buddy."

She said coldly as she tried to walk away before getting tossed into the wall, groaning in pain. I started to walk towards her. She could be seen struggling as she fought off the guy.

"C'mon Princess!~ you know your father would approve~"

His comment touched her as she froze. He leaned in towards her until I stepped in.

"Ah geez Miss Orland did you forget we have to have a conversation over your history grade? I mean it's only a B!"

I exclaimed as a tick mark appeared next to my head. A strained smile appeared on my face as I grabbed her hand, gently pulling her towards me. The guy growled as he glared at me.

"She's mine Prick!"

He snapped until I slammed him into the wall, my hand on his throat. Minerva looked at me with wide-eyes as if to say <what are you doing?!>. I glared at him as my grip on his throat stayed.

"Let me remind you that who you're calling a prick is a teacher and a member of Sabertooth. I could ruin your pathetic life with one comment towards her father. Seeing as you're only a student here your word isn't shit against mine. Now beat it before I kindly guide you to the door."

I released him before walking back to Minerva, my hand slipping to her waist as I brought her close to me protectively. She blushed lightly as she placed her hands on my chest.

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