chapter 10

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A/N: sensitive content warning! Do not read if you're sensitive to depression

Sting's pov

We had been dating a couple of months now but it's been difficult. As much as I wanted to pull this out into the open she refused. We went through this argument too many times to even count. I'd get mad stomp off, she'd teleport home and I'd have to call her back. I always heard the tears in her voice but I felt she was choosing her father over me. Finally we snapped when the stress became too much. We had already told Rogue our situation and he completely agreed with Minerva. It was better to wait until she was out of school. Today I was blinded by frustration and fury. I thought I'd lost her forever. We were arguing again and this time I lost control. We were at my place currently when it started.

"I'm sick of this Minerva! You're always putting your strict old man before me! Why can't you just let him go?!"

I shouted at her, watching her flinch away from me like a hurt puppy. I was too mad to feel bad nor care but later I'd grow to regret it.

"Can you be selfish for once?! I want us to actually be in a relationship not some secret kid game like we're high school students doing it behind our mommies and daddies back!"

She flinched away more as she backed away from me like she was terrified of me.

"It's better this way Sting.. you don't understand his power nor what he's capable of! He's killed innocent people Sting!"

She cried out as her back leaned against the wall. You could say I lost it, every feeling I felt was coming to the surface like I finally came up for air after nearly being under water for too long.

"Like hell Minerva! I know what he's capable of! You're too scared to let him go and cease his control on your life! You're willing to let everything go just to supposedly protect everyone! Why can't I be put first huh?! I can't anymore Minerva.."

Now is where I felt it hurt. This time my words stung me once I saw her face crumble. All of the hurt was noticeable on her face as tears started to flow freely from her eyes.

"Fine then Sting. Do what you want. If you can't handle my rules to protect us then I'll leave and you can forget this ever happened. Hell you can even go screw that girl who's been chasing you like a dog."

Her words stabbed me in the heart. I knew then and there I broke her. I went to pull her into a embrace but she ducked below my arms, walking to my front door. I couldn't stop her, I wanted to cry but my pride wouldn't let me. She trusted and loved me and I rewarded that trust and love with cruel words that destroyed her. She walked out easily but hesitated at the door. She looked back at me, that same hurt expression on her face before straightening herself and leaving. I regretted everything so after leaving her alone for a couple of hours, I called her so I could try to apologize. She refused to answer me on the phone, her beautiful voice answering as a voice mail.

"Unfortunately I couldn't answer you call! If you urgently need to call just call me again! My busy schedule has been taking up a majority of my time so be patient! If you wish to just leave a message then leave one after the beep."

I missed her more now as her voicemail beeped. I took a deep breath, sighing softly. I hoped she'd forgive me but I had truly broken her beyond what her father could ever begin to do. For three weeks we did our best to avoid each other or more so she avoided me. Whenever I got her alone she refused to acknowledge me as Sting and called me Sensei. I felt my heart being torn in half as she looked at me with dull eyes. She was never the same Minerva I knew. One day I was busy grading paperwork when I suddenly took a chop to the head. I howled as I put my hand on my head, throbbing now from the pain. I glared at who had the nerve to hit me. I suppose I should've guessed it was Rogue when I saw his crimson eyes glaring at me.

"Okay you overconfident jackass. It's time you had a chat with a princess."

I felt my irritation grow as I looked up at him. Who the hell was he to tell me what to do when I was the teacher not the student?

"I don't know what you're talking about but talk to me with respect."

"I don't give respect to those who are selfish pricks. Do you understand what you did to her? I've never seen Milady like this before. She's gone as far as to lock herself in her room and cut herself to attempt to feel something."

I felt numb as I stared at him. She went that far because of me? Regret and dread was making my stomach lurch as I put my head in my hands.

"Where is she now?"

I asked, both wanting and not wanting the answer to that question. I dreaded the answer. What if her father sent her on a dangerous mission and she accepted it willingly, believing death would take her?

"The hospital. She went on a mission and she nearly died finishing it. Her father thought she could do it by herself. Not to mention the fact she's pregnant with a douchebag's kid"

I felt myself going into shock as I heard that. Minerva was having a baby now. We'd never been careful of pregnancy. Hell we pretended it wasn't a word, surely our recklessness wouldn't bite us in the ass. I figured She wasn't happy anymore and nor was I. I'd figure out her location quickly, nearly running over a couple of people who gave me dirty looks and flipped me off. I never paid attention to them and I couldn't help but bust through the doors. A nurse looked at me concerned so I muttered an apology. I already knew which room she had. I ran to it despite receiving many scoldings about running in the hallways. I finally found her room and walked in slowly. She looked deathly ill. Her skin pale, eyes sunken in with dark circles. They had to supply her with oxygen and give her an IV. I grabbed the report on her health not caring about being caught.

23 y/o raven- haired female with mild brain trauma, severe bruising of tissue, several broken ribs and pregnant for about four weeks. Fetus is still in surprising good condition despite the severe trauma to the body. Patient has demanded that we get rid of thing inside of her so her father doesn't find out. Patient seems to be distressed from severe PTSD and has suffered constant abuse both physical and verbal abuse.

Gods I never knew the extent of what her father had done to her. I thought I understood but I was just ignorant like everyone else. I heard a small almost squeak-like noise come out of her. I quickly put the report down and watched her eyes flutter. She looked around confused until her eyes focused on me. I thought I saw her face glow with happiness but it was quickly drowned out by the same emotionless expression she gave me before.

"What are you doing here?"

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