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Okay this chapter is gonna have some 18+ material, I'll put a warning in bold right before and another message when it over

Hours had passed and Navaheya decided to venture through the city of Rivendell during her spare time. She wandered through the stone pathways of the beautiful city, contemplating the offer that Elrond had presented to her. She would love to live in Rivendell, her mother would be comfortable and get the best healing she possibly could if she resided in the city instead of the woods of Greenwood. The silver-haired elf was aware of the fact that she would only have to work if she really wanted to. Elrond had assured her that she would be living in the palace so her mother could be close to him. The lord was very worried about Navaheya's mother and preferred her to be close so he could watch over her illness. The she-elf wanted the best for her mother, so she had to consider the travel between the two elven lands. Her mother never was able to leave her bed, let alone travel at least a day through rougher areas. Navaheya hoped that her mother was getting better, however, she knew better. She knew that Pandora Decay had no cure, the only end of the illness was the end of life. She did not want her mother in a new area in which she was not familiar without having a choice in the matter. Her mother no longer spoke, the last time she spoke was around three years ago. Navaheya hadn't been able to hear her mother sing her to sleep, or scold her for doing something lady-like in three years. Three years isn't long for an elf, but for a daughter not being able to hear her mother's voice, it felt like an eternity had passed over the past few years.

Navaheya entered a small building near the edge of the city, smiling at the warm environment and the small elven children running around. Navaheya visited the building as much as she could when she visited Rivendell, she loved seeing the small children, reading them stories, singing them songs, as well as teaching them how to braid their long hair. The young elves ran up to the woman as soon as they took notice of her. They recognized her immediately as she had seen them since they were very young. The elleth who was in charge of the schoolhouse wandered up to the group of children hugging Navaheya and laughed.

"My lady, you rile their spirits with just your presence," The dark-haired elf laughed.

Navaheya smiled at her before picking up one of the smallest children that clung to her leg. The child was smaller than all the other eleven children, and in a way, the small child reminded her of herself. The group of children all followed the silver-haired she-elf as she carried the little boy to a lone chair that was surrounded by colorful pillows on the floor for the children to sit on. She sat in the light-colored wooden chair and the little boy in her arms squirmed into her lap.

The children sat on their pillows on the floor, waiting to hear the story Navaheya was going to tell them. She always told them the same story, as they always asked to hear it again and again. Sometimes she would change the ending for fun to help engage the small children in the thought that change wasn't a bad thing.

"A dwarven man traveled through valleys, over mountains, through forests, and across middle earth. He was looking for his treasure. Not a treasure of golds or gems or priceless jewels. No, he was looking for the magical being he had fallen in love with a decade prior. The magical being was one of only a few left of her kind left around the lands of middle earth. She was a beautiful woman with hair the color of a warm burning fire. She was as tall as a human and as beautiful as a high elf. She was unique because she had large beautiful transparent wings that sparkled in the sunlight. The woman was a fairy of fire created by Valor in the very first days of our world."

Most of the children started to lay down to take an afternoon nap as she spoke, however, the little boy in her lap cuddled into her chest as he listened to her speak. Navaheya started petting the boy's soft blonde hair as she felt him against her chest.

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