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Navaheya sat within the depths of the seamstress quarters, sketching a dress design. Maids rushed around her with elegant fabrics and beautiful garments hurrying to finish before their deadlines. The silver-haired she-elf had already finished everything on her list a few days prior. The walls of the large room were draped in fabrics and spools of colorful thread. Each table was occupied by piles of fabric being cut or sewn. 

She was so focused on the piece of paper in front of her that she didn't notice her supervisor step up behind her, The older she-elf placed a hand on Navaheya's shoulder lightly causing Navaheya to jump out of surprise. The maids who noticed laughed at her oblivion, while her supervisor only gave a slight smile. 

The dark-haired she-elf bent down to Navaheya's pointed ear and whispered "I don't know what you did but King Oropher and Sir Larongar Sarcan are requesting your presence in the throne room," The room went silent. As everyone in the room were elves, they could all hear what was said to the young silver-haired elleth. 

Larongar Sarcan was in charge of all palace staff, so that could only mean she was getting fired, and to be fired right in front of the King. Navaheya started to shake, she couldn't lose her job, it was the only way to pay for her mother who had fallen ill with a rare elven illness. 

Gaylia, Navaheya's supervisor grabbed the young elleth's shoulders, "They requested for you immediately, I will walk you up there. But first, you need to compose yourself" Gaylia frantically told her friend. 

As the duo walked up the many staircases and through the many hallways, many passing servants gave Navaheya sympathetic looks. Word has quickly passed around the servants that Navaheya was about to be fired. She was a favorite among the staff and a joy for everyone to be around. She always asked how everyone was doing and had even helped take on extra shifts when the staff was being overworked. 

Finally, the two she-elf's reached the throne room doors that were pulled open by guards, Navaheya wondered how heavy the doors were, as they were at least twenty-five feet high. Entering the throne room, Navaheya noticed King Oropher standing in front of his throne and his chief of staff, Larongar Sarcan, who stood next to him. the two elves were whispering quietly to each other. The two older elves looked up as Navaheya and Gaylia neared them. The silver she-elf hung her head, she didn't know what she had done to deserve being fired but there was no use arguing with the king. King Oropher wasn't known to be the nicest, and Navaheya didn't fancy being banished, so she stayed silent. The two female elves bowed their heads as a sign of respect to the two older elves. 

Oropher's voice made Navaheya slightly raise her head, "Do you know why you were summoned this evening?" He asked her.

It took everything in her to force her hands to stop shaking as she responded quietly, "no, sire, I do not"

"Lady Gaylia? Are you in charge of overseeing Lady Navaheya's projects?" Larongar asked the dark-haired elf. She was surprised, was she about to be reprimanded as well?

"Yes Sir, I am in charge of overseeing Lady Navaheya's projects. And in my personal opinion, she does a marvelous job" Gaylia quipped. Navaheya stood shocked, she was prepared to be fired but she certainly didn't want Gaylia to be fired for defending her.

King Oropher laughed, the sound filling the entire hall, both the female elves were confused. Why was he laughing? "I wholeheartedly agree with your opinion Lady Gaylia," The king said cheerily. 

"What?" Navaheya asked, not being able to hold her tongue any longer, "I thought you were going to fire me?" 

Both the king and his chief of staff laughed at the young she-elf in front of them, "Why in Valar's name would you think that?" Larongar laughed, before she could respond he continued, "If I am not mistaken, you were the one who came up with the design for what I am wearing this very second, as well as the great king himself." She glanced at what he was wearing to be sure, a dark brown fitted jacket that reached the floor patterned with slightly darker color brown leaves, maroon trousers, a light brown swede vest, and a maroon fitted shirt.

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