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As soon as Navaheya and Lord Elrond entered the room, the she-elf noticed Thranduil's gaze. She could see how his eyes lingered on her arm that was looped in the Lords. The blonde prince watched as the Lord walked the silver-haired elf to her seat, two chairs down from his own before the lord sat in between the two. As the servants started bringing out plates of food, Elrond leaned over to Thranduil and spoke to him quietly, "We shall discuss this matter later,"

The prince leaned over to see Navaheya's response before responding to the Elven Lord, however, she was occupied having a conversation with a few of the Greenwood guards who were sitting at the smaller table in the middle of the room. The woman was still tense from earlier, but she seemed to be relaxing as she joked around with the guards. Her puffy eyes seemed to go unnoticed by the guards conversing with her, however, they didn't escape the gaze of Thranduil.

"Thank you, my friend," The prince responded to Lord Elrond who sat next to him. The Lord nodded in response to his friend. The three ate peacefully, Navaheya busied herself by talking to the guards that had accompanied them. She laughed as they joked with her and smiled as they talked about their families back at home in Greenwood. The blond elven prince watched her speak to the guards with ease, her eyes would light up when the guards would talk about their children and she would ask to hear more about them. She cared about their personal lives and could connect with them. However, something that Thranduil didn't notice was her hands, which were resting on her lap, were shaking. Elrond took note of the lack of food she was eating. She only ate small amounts of salad and barely touched her wine. The lord took a mental note to send food to her room later in the evening, she needed to eat. He had no idea why she wasn't eating, maybe it was because she was still shaken up, or maybe it was because she had eaten earlier without him knowing. The second possibility was less likely as the Lord always was to be notified where Lady Navaheya went in Rivendell to ensure her safety. Lord Elrond was very protective over the she-elf, he always wanted to ensure her safety.

One by one, guards finished their meals and wine and would stand up to retire to their rooms as it was their last evening in the beautiful city and they would be leaving early the next morning. Navaheya truly did not want to leave, she loved Imladris. The city where she was surrounded by peace and hope. She knew she had to leave though, her place was in Greenwood with her mother, in her home in the trees along the trail to Lake Town.

Navaheya finally stood from her seat, she turned towards the two elves sitting to her left and bowed to them. "Good evening, Lord Elrond, Prince Thranduil," she excused herself as they nodded their heads as a good night to her. As she turned her back to them, her dark blue dress swayed. She, one again, looked as though she floated out of the room.

Once she could not be heard by the two male elves in the room, Lord Elrond turned to the prince next to him. "She is conflicted, due to her love and the respect she holds for your family. She loves you, however, it is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply," Elrond spoke to his friend solemnly.

Thranduil glanced at the archway in which Navaheya had previously exited and sighed. He looked back at his friend with sad eyes, "What do I do? How can I help her?," Thranduil wanted to help her, but he had no idea how.

Elrond contemplated for a few moments before standing up from his seat, "Let me show you something my friend," he motioned for the prince to follow him as he spoke.

Thranduil stood and looked at the lord with a curious look, "Where are we going?" the blonde elf asked as the duo exited the room. Lord Elrond did not respond as he continued down the white stone hallways, down staircases, and around corners. Thranduil had no idea where the two of them were headed, all he knew was that he should follow his elven friend.

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