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AN: There will be a lot of clothing descriptions in this chapter. If you are like me and occasionally have a hard time keeping track of things, then there is an image at the end of the chapter that has every dress I am describing in this chapter. Also........ 1.7k reads? What in the ever living heck! Thank you all, here's a longer chapter <3

Navaheya was in the middle of sorting through the piles and piles of dresses in her house. She was sorting them by season. Large piles of clothing littered the main room, piled high from the light wooden floor. The light purple fabric of the skirt of her dress gracefully tumbled around her legs as she moved around the main room of her house, zig-zagging around the piles of clothing.

The house in the trees was quiet, wind swirled leaves around on the wood bridge walkway that lead down to the path on the ground. The darkness outside enveloped the wooden home, and candles lit around the room on shelves and window sills gave the house are homey and warm feel. As Navaheya picked up a deep red dress, about to place it in her winter dress pile, there was a sound from outside. Creaks on the walkway, getting closer to her front door. At first, the seamstress thought the noise was just an animal making its way through the forest, however, the sound continued closer to her front door, similar to footsteps. She wondered who could be visiting her, she never had guests, especially surprise guests. Navaheya's thoughts turned to Radagast, however, she had never known him to make house visits. Unless something was desperately wrong, he never left his area in the woods. She had also seen him only a month prior from when they got back to Greenwood. It could be Gaylia checking in with her and her mother, however, Gaylia had never visited her at this time of the evening before.

A strong knock sounded on her front door. Navaheya froze, staring at her front door. That knock did not belong to Gaylia, her knock was softer and much more subtle. This knock seemed to have boomed through her entire house, a knock so commanding that she quickly wondered if it had woken her mother. Perhaps the knock had been from a guard from the palace requesting her presence for some reason. The seamstress couldn't remember the last time she had to open the door in a situation like this. The loud knock sounded again, pulling Navaheya back to reality. She blinked a few times before sucking in a breath and deciding to open the front door.

Her green velvet shoes made little clicks on the hardwood floor as she maneuvered around the large piles on the floor as she hesitantly walked towards the door, placing the dark red dress in the pile closest to the door that was the pile for her winter dresses. She twisted the door handle and opened the door slightly, peaking out to see who was knocking at her door in the middle of the evening. Her eyes widened as she saw the person standing at her door. Quickly she pulled open the door further, exposing herself to him.

"Prince Thranduil?" Navaheya asked hesitantly, not believing that the prince was standing on the front deck at her home.

The prince's lips pulled up into a smile as he looked down at her. Her body was covered in beautiful lilac purple fabric, her torso wrapped up in a green velvet corset over the dress. Her silvery white hair was all pulled up on top of her head in an effortlessly beautiful knot, an extremely unlikely hairstyle for an elven woman. "May I come in?" He asked her simply, still smiling down at her.

Navaheya opened the door a little wider, glancing behind him. The she-elf was expecting at least two guards to be behind him but she didn't see anyone down the wooden stairs. She stepped out of the doorway, letting the prince walk into her home. He stayed silent as he looked around the main room of her home. Navaheya watched the prince, his almost black plants moved with each step he took. A beige shirt hugged his torso and a greenish-brown knee-length overcoat jacket hid his body from the nipping wind outside. His long blonde hair fell straight down his back, and small waves were kinked in his hair, showing he had previously had braids in during the day. There was no crown on his head, which made Navaheya wonder if he had made a special trip outside of the palace just to see her. He always wore at least a simple crown for royal business, unless it was a long trip, as their trip to Rivendell had been. The prince moved around her home silently looking around her small and cluttered home.

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