Chapter 2: Todays the day!

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AN- Thanks to anyone who has read the first part of the story. I'm sorry that it was so short but it looked a lot longer when i was writing it. I will try to updata as much as I can but i should add at least a chapter a week, if i don't it's probably beacuse I have lots of college work to do.

Feel free to comment or message me with your thoughts of the story.


At a little past 5 o’clock I couldn’t take it anymore I needed to get up and do something. I’d already been awake for about 10 minutes and I knew that there was zero chance of me being able to get back to sleep, after all the first day of Comic con had finally arrived and I was excited. Without trying to make too much noise I slid out of my bed and decided to go on my laptop and watch a few of my favourite episode as supernatural to get me in the mood for the day ahead. I watch “the mystery spot” and “the French mistake”, I have no ideas how I managed to stop myself from laughing loudly and waking up Lauren (especially when Sam kills Dean with the axe in the mystery spot, I don’t know why I just find that part hilarious). It got to about half 6 and I thought I would take a shower to freshen up.

I took some clean clothes in to the bathroom with me and locked the door (for all Lauren is my best friend I still didn’t want her to walk in on me in the shower).  I turned the shower on and the temperature way up until the bathroom had filled with steam and the room was no longer cold. I through my PJs on to the floor and jumped into my warm shower. I started to imagine what I would do if I met any of the cast of Supernatural. But every scenario that I played out in my head ended up with me embarrassing myself or making me seem stupid. I figured that it might be for the best if I didn’t go and try to talk to the cast or crew of the show. Reluctantly I turned off the shower and dried myself.

I got changed quickly as I could her Lauren knocking on the door wanting to use the bathroom. I quickly put on my jet black skinny jeans and a plain dark purple tank top.

“My God you get up too early if you’re already dressed” Lauren yawned. She was most definitely not a morning person. Her shoulder length dark hair was so frizzy she looked like she had just been electrocuted.  I laughed and she just gave me the middle finger and walked into the bathroom for her shower.

Putting on the TV I tuned into the local news update to see image after image of all the celebrities starting to arrive at the convention site, and I will soon be there with them I thought happily to myself. I dried my hair and thank the lord it was reasonably straight with only a few little waves here and there.  I then applied a small amount of makeup (if I’m going to end up embarrassing myself in fount of my idols I may as well look semi decent when I do it). A dap of concealer under my eyes to hide the dark circles and then a little bit on a few pimples that I was getting. A small dusting of the lightest power I could find to hide some blemishes, then a tad eyeliner and mascara. Then came the question, a dark lipstick or just some lip gloss. After humming and haring I decided on the lipstick as it kinda matched my top. Some hair spray and perfume and I was done. Looking at the clock I realised that it was only quarter to 8.

A few minutes later Lauren came out of the bathroom, just as my tummy begins to growl at me saying that it wants some food.

 “I’m going for a coffee. Do you want anything?” I ask as I grab my black leather jacket and some sneakers.

“Yer I’ll have a none fat hazelnut latte and a blueberry muffin if you’re offering, my moneys in my wallet just go and get some Jane”

“No my treat for you coming here with me”

“Oh please you know I didn’t take much persuading”

“That’s true ok I’ll see you in a bit”.

I grab my purse and headed out of the hotel and to a local coffee shop. Outside it was already warm; I could feel the sun shining on my back. It only took me about 10 minutes to find a small coffee shop. I picked up what Lauren wanted and a white Americano and cranberry muffin for myself.

 I left the shop and decided to take a detour on the way back to the hotel. I walked past the venue of the convention to see if it was getting busy and boy was I in for a shock. There were already thousands of people waiting to get in.  I panicked what if we didn’t get to the supernatural panel, what if I see any of the panels because I was too late getting here? I grabbed my cell out of my pocket and rang Lauren.

“You need to get here now, there are so many people just waiting outside. By the time I get back to the hotel and then we walked back the crowd will have doubled in size.”

 “Well if you wait there I can meet you in around 5 minutes, I’ve just been waiting for you to get back to the hotel with my breakfast”

“Tell you what if you meet me buy the bench on the east side next to the group of girls dressed as Dr Who characters I won’t eat the muffin that I bought you.”

“Deal. I’ll see you in a few.”

With that she hung up and I sat on the bench and scrolled through Facebook on my phone. I really hope she didn’t take too long to arrive, being in a big crowd by myself made me nervous.

Before I knew it Lauren came and sat beside me.

“Now where is my latte and muffin?”

I handed her them both and suggested that we go and stand at the other side with everyone else. She nodded in agreement but I don’t really think she knew what I was say as she was too occupied eating her muffin.

We got up and stared to walk. I heard a mass of girls screaming and looked over to see what it was all about. Maybe I should have looked a bit soon because when I stepped to see past the crowd a man wearing sunglasses and a hat ran straight into me.   

“Ahhh” I screamed as I fell to the ground dropping what was left of my coffee on my hand.

“Oh my God I didn’t mean to hit you, I didn’t see you there. Come on let me help you get cleaned up I think that you may have burned you had with your drink.”

He was right my hand was red hot and very sore.  I motioned for Lauren to follow me, I dint know who this man was but I was not going to be alone with him. When we were walking he always stayed in fount of us and kept his head down. I guess that he didn’t like all of the people either. He walked in the direction of the entrance.

“Umm we can’t go in yet it’s not open to the public for another hour.”

The man just ignored me and continued to the door.

"I’m sorry sir no visitors yet will you please join the back of the queue” the security guard looked a bit angry with him, but I guess that people have been trying to get in for hours wanting to get a look around.

The man just lowered his glasses and the guard immediately stepped aside.

“I’m sorry Mr Padalecki I didn’t recognize you, please forgive me.”

So how was that? How would you react if you were Jane or Lauren. I guess they know why he was running and kept his head down.

see ya later


A chance meeting at Comic Con(Supernatural)Where stories live. Discover now