Chapter 7: Lunch with the guys

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AN- First I want to apologize for the late update and any mistakes that I may have made ( I pressed save instead of save save and publish, how silly). Secondly I would like to thank you for all of the reads that this story has. It may not seem like may but I never thought that i would get close to 50 reads. I hope that you enjoy the chapter, let me know what you think.


I got in from work and changed into my white and blue shorts and tee shirt. Grabbing a beer from fridge I climbed into bed and flicked on the TV. I was seriously tired but my mind kept coming up with scenarios of how tomorrow could play out. What if he didn’t show up? What if he saw where I lived and thought that I was a waste of his time? All of these questions and more racing through my head until I fell asleep to the sound a new CSI starting.

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking at my door. I rolled over and saw that it was almost half 11, how did I manage to sleep in for so long?

“Hold on I’m coming, give me a minute” I screamed at the person who was knocking while I searched for my keys. Finally I found them and opened the door

“Hi I hope I’m not too early for you but you never said a time for me to come over so….” It was Jared in my tired state I had forgot that he coming over. I suddenly blushed as I realise what I was wearing. “Oh I’m so sorry I thought that you would be up, I’ll go and come back later”

“Wait, no come in. just give me a few minutes to go and get changed. Feel free to put on the TV and get anything from the kitchen that you want” he nodded and made his way to the couch, while I walked into my room.

**Jared’s point of view**

Since Jane never told me a time to stop by yesterday I hoped that she was in. I walked out of the elevator and knocked on her door. I waited for a few minutes but there was no answer. I tried again only a bit louder this time. I heard her tell me to wait a minute, but she didn’t sound too happy. Maybe I chose a bad time to come, nut it was too late to turn back now.

**Jane’s point of view**

How could I have been so stupid to sleep in so late and then forget that he was coming over? Oh god what if I sounded too harsh when I was shouting at him through the door. I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind and changed into some light blue skinny jeans and a white spaghetti strap.  I quickly brushed my hair and applied a small amount of makeup and then I was ready.

I walked out of my room to find Jared munching on some potato chips that he must have found watching a film on TV. I quietly walked up behind him and then jumped onto the couch causing him to jump and look surprised. I laughed and grabbed a chip from the packet.

“I didn’t even hear you leave you room, your very sneaky Jane”

“It is a skill that I have perfected over the years”

“Really and have you had the need to be sneaking around?”

“Let’s just say that in my house you learned to be quite and leave it at that. So what do you want to do today?” I asked hoping to change the subject

“I was hoping to take you out to lunch, if that’s ok with you.” He smirked I little when he was talking which lead me to believe that he wasn’t telling me everything he had planned.

“Sure that sounds great, just let me grab a jacket and my purse and then we can leave.” I stood up and walked back to my room to gather my things. Once I was ready Jared showed me to his car. And we stared the journey.

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