Chapter 4: let's talk

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AN- In this chapter I will be changing the point of view for a short time but this will be indicated by stars and followed by the name of the persons whose view it is. Also any thoughts of the characters will be in italics.


With that Jared walked quickly back stage to prepare for the panel.

“What the hell just happened Jane?!” Laurens voice was full of surprise, shock, excitement- basically every positive emotion that you could imagine.

“I, I don’t know.” i stuttered

“I can’t believe that we just met Jared and Jensen.”  

“I know they were so nice. And they want us to wait after the panel has finished” We both let out a little fan girl scream.

Suddenly the lights in hall H then went off and the presenter walked on stage. He introduced Jared, Jensen, Misha and Mark as well as Jeremy Carver.  We both screamed as they each walked on stage and took their seats. I wonder if they can see me. I thought to myself when Jared and Jensen walked on.

The panel lasted for about an hour. Half of it was spent with the fan asking questions and getting them answers by various members of the panel. Osric Chau even came dressed up and asked them a question, I really miss him on the show, and everyone was pleased to see him.

At the end of the panel Jensen introduced the seasons gag reel and oh my god, I was almost crying by the end of it. When the gag reel finished the lights came back on and everyone started to make their way out of the room eager to explore more of comic con. But Lauren and I stayed put.

“That was amazing Lauren” I say as I look at her with a huge smile on my face, it was almost as big as hers.

“I did not expect Osric to show up like that”

“Me nether I wonder if they knew about it or not?” Lauren asked me

“Who knows, but they did all seem really surprised when he revealed himself” we continued to chat a laugh about various things that had happened in the last hour for a few more minutes.

“I doesn’t look like they’re, us maybe we should just leave” Lauren sounded very disappointed, but then again why would they bother. They have probably forgotten all about us.

“Yeah, let’s go” I say as I wrap my arm around her trying to comforter her.” We were almost at the door when we heard a man shout

“HEY! Where do you think you’re going!” we looked round and we saw Jensen running toward us. My tummy filled with butterflies when I saw him.

“We thought that you weren’t comic so we were just going to leave” I said as I felt my checks become a little flushed.

“What? No. we were just chatting and lost track of time. Come on” he made a jester with his head indicating for us to follow him.

When we got to the side of the stage Jared was there waiting for us

“So what did you think?” they said in unison.  I couldn’t help it, it was like a moment from the show I burst out laughing. Thy both looked to each other and then to me.

“What’s so funny? Do I have something on my face?” Jensen sounded very confused

“Oh it nothing just the way you two spoke at the same time that was all, it was funny and a little creepy. But it was great it sounded like you guys were having lots of fun up there” I point to the stage.

A chance meeting at Comic Con(Supernatural)Where stories live. Discover now