Chapter 5: What is hapening?

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AN- I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in like a week but college has been giving me loads of work to do. This chapter is a bit shorter than I wanted it to be but i really wanted to update the story.


We wondered through many of the rooms until we found the one we were looking for. The one that was dedicated to Supernatural and all of its merchandise.

“Do you think that this is a good idea?” I ask Lauren

“Yeah, no one will believe that we meet them unless we at least get an autograph from them, anyway I think that Jared likes you” I flush a little (I really need to try and get that under control).

“I think you’re reading into the situation too much, he was just being nice like he is with everyone he meets. Your crush on Jensen has nothing to do with wanting to see them again does it?” she goes pink and lets out a little giggle.

“Absolutely not I just want proof that we’ve talked to them. Plus it’ll make Sarah sooo jealous.” I should mention that Sarah has always hated me until she found out that I was able to bring a friend to comic con with me, emphasis on the ‘friend’ part. She started acting like she was my best buddy so that I might ask her to come. When I told her that I was going to bring Lauren she went back to being a complete bitch, so yeah making her jealous would be a great bonus to this amazing weekend.

We waited in the long line for what seemed like hours, but I didn’t care. As the line got shorter I started to get more and more nervous. I bet they don’t even remember me, or they think that I’m a pathetic fan girl. NO. I must be positive and hope that I don’t embarrass myself. Only five more people ahead of us.

“Oh my god Jane, where next.” She squeezes my arm super tight

I wasn’t looking up- instead I was staring at the floor. I didn’t want to make eye contact with any of them, it would just be awkward. Then we were motioned to go up and meet the actors. I was fan girling so must on the inside, my legs began to turn to jelly. I can’t do this.  

“Hey girls we were hoping that you two would show up. Misha said that you would be too embarrassed to come and ask for an autograph but I knew you wouldn’t be” Jensen said as he stuck he tongue out at Misha, he voice sounding genially happy to see us. We both smiled and I know that I flushed and I’m pretty sure that Lauren did too.  “You owe me a drink later Misha” he laughs and Misha just shakes his head at how childish Jensen was acting.

“Yeah I’m sorry that we never got to finish our conversation that we were having.  And I’m very pleases that you guys are here, I wanted to say…” Jared got interrupted by Misha. God dam, what was he going to say!

“Guys we’re all getting disapproving looks from security I think they think that this autograph signing is taking too long.”

“Jack asses” Jensen mumbled causing all of us to laugh, as he was busy writing on the picture that I had given him. He then did the same thing to the one that Lauren gave him and then handed them to Jared.

“Any way I was talking to Jeremy about your idea and he thinks that with the right introduction it could be a great story line for the show. He even wants to pitch it to Kripke when we get back to Vancouver” My mouth fell open

“Wow, seriously, what. It was just something that I thought of like within five minutes, I’m sure that the show could be taken in a better direction. I mean isn’t that why the show has top writers. “

“So I suggested that we all you two meet up with us later for something to eat and to discuss it further if you guys want to?” I look at Lauren and we both slowly nod our heads

“That would be amazing” is all I manage to say, before and event helper comes over and asked the boys to wrap this up as they have more people to see. They just roll their eyes at him.

“So, where are you two staying?” this time it was Jensen that spoke, with a small smile on his face

"This small hotel called the blue gate” Lauren replied maybe a little too eagerly

“Be ready for half 8. Me and Jared will pick you up and then we can go and meet everyone for some grub. We’ll meet you in the lobby. ”

“Cool, see you guys then” I say as Misha handed me back my photo with a cheeky smile and a wink.

“I’m looking forward to talking to you again” he says

Lauren and I quickly walk away and out of the room, still in a bit of a daze.

“I need some air, I can’t believe that this has happened. They want to see us again!” we both squeal a little. I look down at my now singed photo of them and clutch it to my chest.

“Jane there’s something written on the back” Lauren points. I turn the photo over and I see a small message. I look at Lauren and then read the message out loud so that she can hear.

“Doesn’t worry about wearing anything too fancy, a nice dress will do. JP” when did Jared write this? I obviously wasn’t paying enough attention to what he was doing. I told Lauren what he had written.

Lucky for us Lauren had convinced me to pack a dress so that we could go to some clubs later tonight and tomorrow. What you think that fictional characters are the only ones who can have fake ID?

We walked around a bit more and attended to the Sherlock panel later on (which was awesome) , both still excited for tonight.

At around seven we made it back to our hotel room and started to get ready to go out. Lauren had decided that she wanted another shower to freshen up but I couldn’t be bothered plus it would dry my hair out too much for it to be curled. I changed from my jeans and tank top to a short black dress. It hung off one shoulder and had deep blue gems along the neck line and came half way down my thigh. It was simple yet elegant look that would have to do because it was the only dress I had with me (in fact it was one of the only dresses I owned). I plugged in my straighteners and began to loosely curl my hair, this took what seemed like forever because my hair was so long. I was half way through curling my hair when Lauren emerged from the bathroom in a red strapless dress that finished just above her knee.  To finish my look a applied slightly heavier make up than I wore during the day and finished with a touch of dark brown eye shadow.

We were both finished with 20minutes to spare and that’s when we both stated to get nervous.

“What do you think we’ll do tonight Jane?”

“How would I know, but I bet I know what you want to happen between you and a certain someone” I raised my eyebrows at her and she just laughs

“As if the guys gorgeous and I’m just plain old me” she shrugs her shoulders.

“Come on Lauren you look stunning no man could resist you tonight, and Jensen will be no different trust me”

I was so happy with my life right now it didn’t seem like anything could ruin the day I was having. That was until my phone started to ring. I pick it up and see that it’s my sister calling (I can’t wait to tell her what’s happening).

“Hi Liz, guess what…” I was interrupted by a Liz. My face just dropped and I wanted to cry at what I was hearing her say

“I’ll be there as so as I can we’ll leave now” with that I hung up the phone and turned to Lauren

“We have to leave now. It’s my mom she… there’s been an accident”

AN- Sorry if this chapter was predictable but like I said I really wanted to update it.  Any feedback would be really appreciated as I'm still new to this (is it ok for my first fanfic?)

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