Chapter 3: I need some ice

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AN- Thanks for reading guys I hope you like this next part. Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas feel free to tell me.


I stare at Lauren with my mouth open in shock. This can’t be happening! One of my all-time favourite actors was right in front of me. Lauren looked back at me in just as much shock.

“Well are you going to come in or just stand there?”  Jared said sarcastically

We both turned and followed him in without saying a word.

“I’m not really sure where to take you for help but I can get you some ice for your hand if you follow me.” I nodded in agreement still unable to speak. I mean seriously is this real.

We walked for a couple of minutes, still in silence, until we arrived at what seemed to be back stage to the supernatural panel. Jared then got some of the ice that was in the cooler and wrapped it in a towel and handed it to me.

“Keep this on the burn for as long as possible don’t take it off, no matter how cold it gets.” I took the towel and placed it over my burn not realizing just how cold it going to be I quickly inhaled. Jared let out a small smile and a chuckle at my reaction.

“Listen I’m really sorry for bumping into you outside, but well some girls recognised me and I just had to get away. I’m also sorry for not telling you who I was but I didn’t want you to freak out, and since you guys aren’t in costume I had no way of knowing if you would know me or not. I guess form the look you gave each other at the door you do.”

“Oh its fine and my hand isn’t even that bad. “ I replied quite shyly.

“So who are you guys here to see?”

“Well we want to see as many as possible but mostly Dr Who, Sherlock and Supernatural.” I could feel my checks going red when I said the last one.

“It’s always nice to meet some fans of the show. Ahh how rude of me I haven’t even asked your names.”

“I’m Jane”

“Nice to meet you Jane.”

“And I’m Lauren.”

“Nice to meet you too Lauren”

“So why aren’t you guys in costume, almost everyone is dressed up. I mean comic con is the one place where it’s strange to be in normal clothes!”

“We couldn’t afford to buy or make a costume. We spent what money we had on travel and a hotel, and then the rest is for food and to buy stuff here.” Lauren answered before I had chance to say something different. I didn’t want him to think that we were poor.

“Seems like you to are sensible, lots of people would go hungry or sleep rough and come dresses up.”

It was then that that we heard a deep voice shout from around the corner.

“DAM IT JARED….Oh I didn’t realise that you had company.” Oh my God Jensen Ackles walked round the corner. He stood there looking at me, and I started to get a bit uncomfortable until a smile started to cross his face.

“It’s you” he exclaimed as he pointed at me.

“Me?”  I was now officially very confused. Did he know me? I don’t remember ever meeting him or even seeing him in real life so how could he possibly know me?

“Yer. You’re the girl from the dinner last night, the one who knocked over the glass of soda.”

My eyes widened as the cogs in my brain stated to turn and I pieced it altogether. The voice I thought I recognised was his, he caught the glass when it fell.

“What are you doing back here, I didn’t know we were having fans back stage” he turned to Jared for answers. “And what happened to your hand?”

“That was my fault. I was running from some crazy fans when I bumped into Jane and caused her coffee to burn her hand. I offered to help so I brought them here and gave her some ice to help with the pain”

“Well Jane I’m Jensen, but I think that you and your friend probably already know that judging by how much she is blushing. What’s your name” he gestured to Lauren.

“I’m Lauren”

 “Good to meet you Lauren, I hope Jared isn’t boring you too much.” He reached out and shock her had causing her to blush even more.

“So Jensen I guess that by the way you walked in here you wanted to ask me something”

“Yer, where the hell did you put my watch.”

“You mean the one I found in the lift of the hotel and knew it was yours so I picked it up to give it to you later” he said as he pulled the watch out from his pocket.

“Oh thanks man, I love that one”

“I know you do Jensen”

“Ten minutes guys the audience is about to start and come in” a lady yelled over.

“I think that’s our cue to go and get some seats before there all gone”

“Ok I’ll walk you to them” Jared extended his arm for us to lead the way. I place the wet towel on the table and me, Lauren and Jared go to find some seats.

We were really lucky; we found seats in the third row from the front that were next to the isle in the middle.

“I may be being a bit forward here and I don’t want to make you girls uncomfortable but would wait here after the panel has finished? I’d love to get to know you a bit better.”

Once again both me and Lauren looked shocked and nodded our heads.

“Great, I’ll see you soon. And enjoy the panel.” He shouts as he jogs off to go and join the rest of teh cast and crew.

AN- more to come soon.


A chance meeting at Comic Con(Supernatural)Where stories live. Discover now