Chapter 6: Of all places

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AN- First I would like to thank everyone for reading this story and for voting, it means a lot to me. Second I know that this has taken a while to be updated but most of my free time is on a Sunday so that's probably when most of the updates will get done.


“Jane, what’s wrong?” Lauren asked me with concern written all-over her face.

“We need to leave now. My mom’s been in a car accident, she’s in hospital. We have to leave now!”

“Oh my god Jane is she alright?”

“They don’t know she won’t wake up” my voice started to crack and tears stated to form in my eyes. No I couldn’t cry, crying was a sign of weakness as my father use to say.

“Hey it’ll be ok she’s a strong woman. Come on let’s pack everything and leave” In under five minutes we were ready check out of the hotel.  As we got in the elevator I remembered about dinner with the boys, but I didn’t care my mom was way more important than them.

When we reached the lobby of the hotel Lauren told me to go and check out while she put everything in the car. I walked up the woman on the reception desk and told her that we were checking out early. I was almost at the exit when I decided to run back.

“Excuse me if anyone comes asking for us could you please tell them that I’m sorry but it was wonderful to meet them and that I wish them all the best.” She looked very confused but agreed to give them the message. With that Lauren and I were back on the road heading home.

*** Several months later in New York***

The past few months had been hard. My mom had survived the crash but was parlayed from the waist down.  Liz quit her job as a photographer in order to look after her. I know your probably asking why I didn’t look after my mom. But after a long discussion the three of us decided that I should finish college and get my degree in Psychology. However it did mean that I sent half of pay to them every week. I didn’t earn much I was only a waitress in a small restaurant, so my pay was minimal. After giving half to my mom and my sister I just had enough to scrap by.

Today was a Saturday which meant that I would be working from noon till 9pm. I needed to make the most of the morning and finish my assignment that was due in on Monday. I got up and dressed in a tee shirt and a pair of blue skinny jeans. I put my books and my laptop in my bag, slipped on a pair of boots then headed out to my local coffee shop. It wasn’t far from where I was staying (about a 15 minute walk, I had to sell my car for some extra cash so now I walk everywhere. But at least it keeps me in good shape).

Walking into the shop I hear the bell above the door ring and looked to see Amy smiling and waving at me. Over the last several months I have become a regular at this place, not only is the coffee good quality and cheap they had free Wi-Fi! Which I was always using

“Hi Amy, I’ll have the usual”

“Surprise, surprise” she said sarcastically “I’ll bring it over when it’s ready, your normal spot by the window?”  Since I first started coming here I became friends with Amy. She was 22 and a bit more girly than I was always having her makeup and here hair done beautifully. She was a shorter than me and a little chubby but she was such a friendly person. During her breaks she would often come over and sit with me and we would just talk about anything and everything.

“Yeah that great thanks” I paid and went to the window seat and got out my work and I started to type. I love the window seat; sometimes I’ll just stare out of the window wondering what people are rushing around for. I began to work as Amy brought over my coffee.

I think I had been writing for about an hour when Amy came and sat opposite me. This was normally a sing that I had been working longer that I though and that I needed a break.

“So what’s new with you this week?” I asked Amy

“Not much, but Nicks taking me out to dinner tonight so that should be fun. How about you anything interesting happening in your life”

“No just the usual, college, work, eat, sleep.” I sigh. “Lauren should be back from her trip to England soon though so hopefully things might get a bit more exciting” It looked like Amy was about to say something back when the bell rang, and it sounded like a lot of people walked in (I couldn’t see I had my back to the door).

“I should probably go and help. “ Amy rolled her eyes.  I went back to work when I heard, someone walk over and stop at my table. I didn’t bother to look up, can’t this person tell that I’m not interested.

 “Jane, is that you?” a voice asked- I assumed it belonged to the man.

“Who wants to know?” I ask as I look up, I couldn’t believe my eyes. “Jared!” I said with surprise in my voice as I motioned for him to sit down while I moved some of my stuff.

“Listen I’m sorry about what happened at Comic con but there was an emergency I had to leave straight away. Did you get my message?”

“Yeah but I thought that you and Lauren had just changed your minds about wanting dinner I didn’t realize that some happened. Did you get hurt?” he asked with a concerned look on this face.

“No not me, my mother was injured” I then proceeded to tell him everything that had happened.

“I’m so sorry Jane”

“So what are you doing in New York?”  I ask pointing my finger at him

“I’m on a break from filming the new series and though that I’d come and visit the city again. Oh I almost forgot to tell you that the idea that you proposed is going to be used in the season. We tried to contact you but the hotel wouldn’t give use your number and you never said you last name so we weren’t able to, the writers wanted your imput on how it should be introduced to the show. It's not too late i could call them later and set up a metting if you like?”

My mouth fell open at what he had just told me. “Really?!”

“Yeah why do you seem surprised Jeremy told you that it was a good idea”

“Yeah but I didn’t believe him, I thought that he was just being nice” I look down at my watch and realize the time “Shit I gotta go. I have to get home and change and then get to work.” Disappointment seemed to fill his face.

“Oh ok. Do you want to meet up again later? I mean only if you want to?” Jared seemed kind of shy when he asked.

“Sure, why don’t you stop by my place tomorrow and we can talk some more?”

“That would be great” he replied with a huge grin on his face.  I wrote down my address and waved good bye.

Walking back I felt genuinely happy for the first time since the accident. I don’t know what it was that fact that Jared had remembered me, or because my idea was going to be used. I couldn’t tell and I didn’t care, I was just happy that I was happy. And I couldn’t wait for tomorrow to arrive.

A chance meeting at Comic Con(Supernatural)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon