Chapter 8: The truth comes out

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AN- Wow thanks for all of the views and votes that this story is getting, I didn't think that I would ever get close to 100 views. I hope that this chapter is ok because when i started to write it I wasn't sure how the story was going to progress but now I have a much better idea. Enjoy and feel free to give good or bad feedback, it's the only way that i can improve.


Jane’s point of view

I didn’t have to look up to know that Jared had found me I could tell it was him from the voice. This was the last thing I wanted to do. I didn’t want to explain myself to him; I should have just kept running.

“Jane” he repeated now kneeling beside me. I turned my head away hoping that he would either think that it wasn’t me or that I didn’t want to talk to him.

“Hey, its ok” he said as his fingers gently turned my head towards him moving a few strands of hair out of my face.

“Come on I’ll drive you home and you don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to” I nodded he had clearly got that I was upset and didn’t want to speak. He helped me up and guided me back to the car. He told me to wait in the passenger seat while he made a call, I assumed that it was Jensen and Misha to let them know that I was ok and that he was going to take me home. I did contemplate making another run for it but I had no idea how to get back so I stayed put and waited for him to return.

 The drive back to my flat was quite, neither of us spoke. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silent Jared turned on the radio to listen to some music- not that it made the ride any less uncomfortable.

As he parked the vehicle he finally broke the silence.

“So, um.. what was all that about back at the restaurant?”

“I don’t really want to talk about it.” I got out of the car and quickly entered the build only to hear Jared getting out also and follow me. He wasn’t going to give up until he had some answers. I suppose that it showed that he cared about me and that I was more than just some random girl he met at comic con, but god it was annoying.

“I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong”

“I gathered that.” I said dryly “Come on we can take inside” I lead the way to my apartment and took a seat on the couch while Jared sat in the chair.

“Where do you want me to start?”

“The beginning would be a good place” his comment brought a small smile to face, but I quickly vanished as I begun to tell him my story.

“I wasn’t completely honest with you when I told you about the accident that my mom was in. she is completely paralyzed from the waist down but she also has difficulty controlling her arms. That’s why my sister looks after her 24/7. That’s the next thing. I volunteered to be the one to look after her and Liz agreed. She didn’t want to give up her job, but mom insisted that I needed to finish college.  Much to Liz’s disgust she stayed and took cared of mom. Now she hated me because I can have a ‘happy’ life. Although when I have to work as a waitress for minimum wage at a crappy dinner six days a week, then send them half of the money I earn while having to somehow be able to study and mange what little money I have so that I can keep a roof over my head, my life isn’t really that happy. Especially if whenever I do somehow manage to go out and have a nice time I feel guilty about because I know that my mom and Liz can’t.” I didn’t realize it but by the end of my speech I was almost screaming and in tears again.

“So that phone call during lunch..”

“It was Liz asking me what I was doing. She saw the tweet that Misha mentioned me in because she has this weird alert set up on her phone so that she can keep tabs on me.” I hung my head, I was slightly ashamed that had just told him all of my problems, but then again he did ask to hear them.

“I’m so sorry that you had to through all of that Jane. If he had known the grief it would have caused you Misha wouldn’t had done it” he spoke as he came and sat beside me on the couch.

“I she just told me about it when she rang, I can’t believe that she would do something like that.” Jared placed his fingers under my chin and tilted my head up. Before I could do anything about it he was pulling me in for a hug. It wasn’t one of his ‘I’m gonna squeeze all of the air out you’ hugs it was just a nice comforting hug.

“She probably just wishes that it was her that was out having a good time with her friends”

“It probably didn’t help that I was out with you three either, I’m never going to hear the end of it”

“Oh is she a fan?”

“You could say that. She was the one who got me interested in the show. When I told her that I was taking Lauren to comic con instead of her she flipped, saying that I should take her since she got me interested in the show. But I stood my ground and told her that she had already been and that Lauren hadn’t. To be honest that’s probably when she started to act like a bitch around me.”

“I’m sorry to say this but it sounds like your sister needs to learn that she can.t have everything she wants and that she can’t control everything.”

“Yeah. She dose” I sigh and snuggle into Jared a bit more. I don’t what it is but there’s something about being in his presence that make it seem like everything will be ok.

“So, hold on if she likes the show does that me that she follows us all on twitter?” I seemed surprised by his question by told him that she does.

“Well than I hope that she sees this” he gets out his phone and stats typing

@jarpad: family doesn’t end in blood, but just because you blood it doesn’t mean that you’re family

Jared showed me the tweet before sending it to get my approval.

“The way that she has been acting you wouldn’t think that she’s family” I tell him. I know for a fact that Liz will see the tweet, she checks their accounts every night (or she used to, so she probably still does).  I kinda hope she gets that it’s about her but at the same time I’m worried as to her reaction if she does think that it’s about her.

After a few more moments of comfortable silence Jared speaks

“So then about you meeting with the withers of the show….”

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