Chapter 1: Off to Comic Con at last!

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Authors Note- I just want to say that this will be my first ever time writing a fanfic so I hope you like it. I will try to updata the story as much as I can and i would love to hear your thoughts on how it's progressing. God I hope that someone reads this. All of the authors notes will be in bold.


Before I start let me introduce myself. My name is Jane and I’ve just turned 19, my life has never been anything special, I always seem to just be another face in the crowd and that was the way I liked it. The one thing I hated the most (apart from spiders because their just creepy) is attention. I’m about 5 foot 8 with a slim build. My eyes are a strange blue/green colour (sometimes I swear that they change colour), I have really lone caramel hair that goes to about my waist.  That’s enough about me; let me tell you my story as to how I got to know Jared padalecki and Jensen Ackles.

 Comic con starts tomorrow, I’ve never been before and I can’t believe that I am about to go now. My parents bought the tickets for my 19th birthday a few months ago and I’ve been counting down the days ever since.  They were kind enough to pay for my best friend Lauren to go with me (I’ve only known her about 3 years but we have so much in common especially our taste in TV shows). I hear Lauren pull up outside and peep the horn telling me to hurry up and get my ass down there. I grab my small suitcase filled with everything that I will need for the next few days and my purse as I run down stairs. After a quick good bye to my parents I put my stuff in the car and slide into the passenger seat. As I close the door I look at Lauren and see a face so excited I can’t put it into words.

“Comic con here we come!” she screeches.

“I can’t wait; I’ve got a few snacks in my bag and some great tunes to listen to”

 “Oh no driver picks the music and shotguns shuts her cake whole” her face smug knowing that’s what I always say to her when I drive.

“You did not just Dean Winchester me”

“I think you’ll find that I did”. I roll my eyes at her as we set off on the car journey that would take us about 5 hours.

Several hours later we arrive at our hotel. It’s nothing flash or expensive as either of us could afford very much, plus we wanted to save our money for the next couple of days. Once we checked in we got to our room tossed our bags down and then decided to go for something to eat.

We soon found a local diner that was only a few blocks from our hotel and figured that would do. We walked in and sat in one of the privet booths at the back. The diner was had that retro feel to it, but I honestly thought that it look cool.

“So what are most looking forward to tomorrow?” Lauren grinned as she asked that knowing what my answer was going to be.

“What do you think? The supernatural panel obviously, you know that I’ve been dying to come and see one for years.”

The waitress soon came and took our orders and we ate our food, I had chicken salad while Lauren had a burger and fries. As I was going to get my cash out to pay for my share of the food, that was when it happened.  My hand knocked the half full glass of soda off the table. Everything seemed to go in slow motion but I couldn’t grab the falling glass. As i braced myself for the glass to hit the floor and break a stranger that was walking by caught it and placed it back on the table. He was tall but he kept his side to me so I couldn’t see his face properly.

“I’m sooo sorry, I hope it didn’t spill on you.”

“Don’t worry about it I’m fine and glad I could help.” He talked in a hushed tone but his voice sounded so familiar I knew that I had hear it somewhere before.

"Thank you." I yelled to him but he didnt look back or reply.I looked at Lauren who was just laughing and calling me clumsy.

We walked back to the hotel and both agreed that it would be best if we got and early night as we would be up early the next morning. As I lay there in bed unable to sleep because of excitement I couldn’t shake that feeling that I knew that man from the dinner form somewhere. Oh well I guess I will figure it out at some point.

AN- So what did you think? Was it ok for a first ever attempt at writing? I really hope that someone has read this otherwise I'm just going to look stupid.


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