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Olivia and Elliot were still barely talking by the next morning. Olivia had slept downstairs because she had been getting sick after dinner, so Elliot got to sleep in their room but also take care of Nora throughout the night. At around eight, Olivia came upstairs to shower and change for the day, and Elliot was already awake and getting Nora dressed.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Elliot asked as soon as he spotted his wife.

"I'm still tired, but I haven't gotten sick since around three... so better I guess." Olivia yawned. She walked over and kissed the top of Nora's head before heading towards the bathroom.

"I have an appointment with my lawyer at ten. Do you want to join us?"

"Us?" Olivia asked as she walked out of the bathroom and eyed her husband.

"I'm taking Nora with me."

"Oh, uh. You don't have to. I can take care of her today. I also don't think that I should be a part of this custody battle." Olivia sighed.


"Just watch her while I'm in the shower, and then I'll take over."


Elliot left the house not long after Olivia started to take care of Nora. He had said some comment before he left and made his wife cry again, so he knew he had to leave fast or else Olivia would be the one leaving. He went to his lawyer's office and sat for a while before he finally was ready to see Elliot.

"Alright, so I have read over your emails, and the twenty some ones from Kathy's lawyer. Is it true that she said she's in control since she has more custody?" Dennis asked as he scrolled through his notes on his computer.

"Yeah. I went over to talk to her yesterday, and she said she didn't want me to see her. I told her that I'd see her on Friday when I came over to get the kids, and she said I wouldn't be getting them this weekend. She's trying to take my kids away from me, and I don't like it at all."

"Legally, she cannot keep your kids from you. Since the court set up the agreement, she can't break it. Now, don't get too worried about this. We will get this all figured out." Dennis spoke. 

"How fast do you think we can get this dealt with? Not only is this a mess with Kathy, but Olivia is also going through some things. I don't want to stretch this out for too long."

"I can pull some strings and get a court date next week. I'll need statements from the kids, from Olivia, and from you."

"Lizzie doesn't want to live with me during the week. Is it possible for me to get her on the weekends if she stays with Kathy during the weekdays?" Elliot asked.

"Do you really want her to be separated from her siblings?" Dennis asked, and Elliot shook his head.

"No. I don't want that. I guess we will have to see if I can change her mind. Or if someone else can."


Elliot left Dennis' office and went to work. After his shift, he went home and found that the house was dark. He turned on the lights and checked the kitchen for a note, but didn't find one. So he headed upstairs and found Olivia and Nora napping together. He walked over to his side of the bed and climbed in behind his wife, but didn't get to wrap his arms around her before she woke up.

"Please don't touch me." Olivia yawned.

"Babe, can we talk? We need to be on the same page for the custody hearing and so that Nora doesn't get stressed out." Elliot frowned.

"I don't feel like talking right now. I'm going to go make dinner. Why don't you cuddle with Nora?"

Olivia went downstairs and started to make dinner, while Elliot held Nora while she finished her nap. Then he took his baby downstairs after changing her diaper.

Dinner was eaten and cleaned up before Nora needed a bath and got to play. Elliot helped Olivia put Nora down for the night before deciding it was time to talk.

"How many guys hurt you?" Elliot asked as he and Olivia folded laundry. 

"What?" Olivia sighed.

"You were in abusive relationships, and I'd like to know how many. You never told me about them while we were just partners or dating."

"El, it doesn't matter. I'm with you now, and you can be the abusive jerk in my life." Olivia huffed.

"I'm not going to be abusive. Yes, I get angry and yell... but I will never hurt you. I will never hit you. I promise."

"They all did." Olivia choked out.

"Baby, please tell me!" Elliot begged.

"Five. I was with five guys that were abusive. I'd get out of one relationship, and it was like I was drawn to another abusive piece of shit. I came to work covered in bruises and with pain between my legs, but you never realized. I never told anyone but Casey, and she promised to not tell anyone. All I had to do was promise to get help when I needed it."

"Casey kept it a secret? She's an ADA who deals with sex crimes. What was happening to you-"

"Was in the past. I'm happy now. I'm pregnant, have an amazing daughter and step kids, and I have you. I hate you a lot right now, but at least you haven't smacked me or raped me. At least you haven't shoved me against a wall and forcibly felt me up."

"I'm so sorry, Liv..." Elliot trailed off quietly.

"You don't have anything to apologize for."

"But I do! I'm a shitty husband and I didn't even realize when you were getting hurt! Please... I'm begging you... please forgive me!" Elliot exclaimed as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Olivia lifted her eyes from a small t-shirt before seeing the tears on her husband's cheeks.

"Please, just don't call me dumb or stupid... please don't yell at me like you did. It makes me feel worthless." Olivia whispered.

"I promise, Liv. I'll do better."

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