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Over the next month, Olivia had gotten Kathleen enrolled in an online school. Olivia joined an online school group, so she could get advice for keeping Kathleen still involved in the social aspect of school while also getting her work done without falling behind. Olivia was completely devoted to her step-daughter and planned on making everything as easy for her as possible.

"Liv, we gotta get going." Elliot spoke as he came downstairs and found his wife on her laptop. 

"One moment." Olivia replied.

"What are you looking at? You were rushing me along all this morning, and now you aren't ready to leave when you told me we had to?" Elliot sighed.

"I'm looking at Kathleen's grades. She had to submit an essay, and I'm waiting for her teacher to grade it and post the grade." Olivia replied. Elliot wrapped his arms around Olivia's body before gently rubbing her belly as he read the screen with her.

"If she doesn't pass it, does it mean she's out of this school too?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, but it sets the mood or something for the semester. I don't want her teacher to hate her, when she's only been with this school for a month." Olivia spoke. She gave up when an alarm went off on her phone, which meant they actually had to leave.

"So we didn't have to leave until now, huh?"

"El, I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure we got out on time. Can you call Katie down? I'll grab the baby."


Olivia and Elliot took Kathleen and Nora with them to the appointment. Olivia had finally hit sixteen weeks, and there was a chance that she and Elliot could see the sex of their baby today. Everyone was super excited, even if the baby turned out to be yet another girl.

"Did you see my grade yet?" Kathleen whispered as she sat beside Olivia.

"I didn't. I checked this morning, but I didn't see anything." Olivia replied.

"Do you think I failed it? I worked so hard-"

"Baby, you didn't fail it. I read over it and so did Mo. You did a great job, and I am incredibly proud of you." Olivia smiled. She leaned over and kissed Kathleen's temple, before grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

"But what if-"

"Olivia Stabler?" A nurse asked, and Olivia turned to Kathleen and smiled.

"If you did, we will figure it out later. For now, chill out here with Nora. Daddy and I will be back soon."

Olivia and Elliot followed the nurse back to the ultrasound room. She did her usual checks before leaving to get the tech.

"So how many girls will this be now?" The tech teased, since she had been the same one to work on Olivia during her first pregnancy.

"If this one is a girl, we will have five daughters and two sons." Olivia smiled, as she laid back and grabbed her husband's hand.

"With your track record, Elliot, I'm going to just guess that this one is a girl. We should start a pool around here." She laughed.

They chatted a bit before the scan started. Elliot and Olivia watched the screen with just as much amazement as if this was their first baby. They smiled when the heartbeat filled the room, and they were on the edge of their seats when the tech was ready to see the sex of the baby.

"Now, this time it is actually pretty clear." She spoke.

"Huh?" Olivia asked.

"This little one is a boy. He looks incredibly strong, and he was actually working with us today."

"Can you check again? Because my twins both looked like boys, and then we got a girl and a boy." Elliot spoke, as he looked at the tech.

"Of course."


Elliot and Olivia were shocked to know that their next baby was going to be a boy. They didn't tell Kathleen what they had found out, because they wanted to keep it a secret for a while longer. They wanted to see if they could come up with a name before announcing it to their kids.

"Are you excited?" Olivia asked, as she and Elliot got ready for bed that night.

"For another son? Hell yeah." Elliot smiled.

"And if it would have been a girl?" Olivia asked.

"I would be just as excited. It is just going to be nice that I have another son. He is going to be just as amazing as the rest of our kids, and he'll be special."

"What do you mean? All of our kids are special." Olivia replied.

"He will be my first son with you, Liv. I'm hoping he will have your freckles, smile, and huge heart."

"You are going to make me cry, Elliot Stabler." Olivia whispered, as tears burned her eyes.

"I'm not incredibly sorry, because you need to be told this stuff sometimes. I feel like I don't tell you enough that I love you and how absolutely amazing you are. I have thought about how life would be if I was still with Kathy, and I wouldn't be this happy. I wouldn't have another baby girl and a son on the way. We probably would have killed each other by now."

"Do you have any ideas for his name?" Olivia asked as she climbed into bed. Elliot climbed onto his side before pulling Olivia close. 

"I do. What about you?" Elliot asked.

"Not really. I suck at coming up with names."

"We have, like, twenty-four weeks before our son will be here. Until then, we should go to bed. Tomorrow-"

"Liv!" Kathleen exclaimed, as she quickly opened the door.

"What's wrong?" Olivia asked, as she sat up quickly and looked at Kathleen.

"My grade is up!"

"C'mere then!" Olivia smiled. Kathleen raced over to the bed before showing the laptop to Olivia.

Olivia looked at it and smiled ever larger before hugging Kathleen tightly.

"I am so proud of you, Katie. You are doing an amazing job." Olivia whispered.

"Thanks for helping me out and believing in me, Mama. It means a lot."

Olivia started to cry as she held Kathleen close. She had referred to herself as the kids' mother, but they didn't really say it themselves. It might slip out occasionally, but never like this.

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