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Marva could barely believe the absurdity as Sorem put her to rest on the bar counter yet again the same day. What they needed-she needed—was the hunchback. That was the only guarantee of freedom.

But instead, this fool spent the day abusing her power, all for the sake of finding some woman.

Now with her on the counter, that meant he had need for her. This was the last straw—she'd get him under control again.


He grabbed her cage and gave it a violent shake before slamming it down, drawing everyone's focus.

Trembling, Marva thought better of engaging this bastard. He was unhinged.

Now with all her drive and energy adequately quelled, she bowed her head and went back into her power position, legs tucked up, fluttering.

At one time she'd enjoyed the rediscovery of flying. Now...now she couldn't stand it. One reason was Matax, the other was surely Prince Sorem. Yet a third reason remained. The more she used this meditation, the more knowledge flooded her mind. A time or two, she'd blacked out.

Gaining this much power and knowledge, seemingly overnight, terrified her.

"Innkeeper," Sorem called when the woman tried to hurry by with a plate of food. "I have a question. The woman from earlier, do you know her?"

The resistance this time was so faint it was barely a trifle. "Yes. She's my sister-in-law. Everyone loves her."

"Good," Sorem said, satisfied with the answer. "Why was she running away? What is she afraid of?"

"Oh." After a brief pause, one which caused Marva to flutter her wings faster, the woman answered, "She was avoiding Wyrn."

"Wyrn?" Sorem sat up, emboldened. "And who is this...this Wyrn?"

"He rules this valley."

The conviction in Sorem's voice faded when he said, "Oh?"

"Yes. He's the final authority on everything you see in this village and two other villages bordering us. He controls all Jaffo."

"Jaffo?" Sorem sat up. "What is a Jaffo?"

For a long while, nothing happened. Sorem repeated the question.

The silence that time drove Marva to open her eyes and witness Sorem's scorn for her.

"What is wrong?"

Marva wasn't sure at first but now that she looked, the glow along the innkeeper answered her confusion.

"She's under a spell. This entire valley is. Whatever they are is hidden." Marva was careful and measured when she warned, "That's why I tried to advise you against staying here. These...these people aren't human. I'd argue none of them are. They only have a human form."

In public, Sorem never spoke to her, but his stare meant he wanted more details.

"For example, the innkeeper's a succubus. But the men, I do not know."

Sorem's spirits sank. He stared at the countertop and muttered, "Even Vadde?"

"No," Marva said, because she could see the markers clearly. "She is human. At least she started out as one. Assuming these people don't transform her eventually. Her human form is very authentic."

And just like that, Sorem's woe vanished into satisfaction. Marva regretted not mustering up a lie. She couldn't tell many but that was what half-truths were for.

Now, instead of giving up on Vadde, Sorem proclaimed, "She is in need of rescue."

Marva would argue that so was she. But that would do no good. They needed that hunchback and quickly. Desperation drove her to make compromises.

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