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     “Dude it's like 4 am, why the heck are you calling me?”
       “You know me,” I said nervously. “I'm a night owl. So anyway, me and my little sister need a place to stay.”
       “Alright, but you'll have to share the pullout couch.”
       “Okay, gotta go.” I hung up the phone and headed back inside. Tryla was curled up in a ball under the blanket, her soft breathing showed that she was asleep, but I know better. “Nathan's gonna take us in.” She sat up with a confused look.
       “You told me your friend Nathan was an ahole who moved to Pennsylvania.”
       “Yes an ahole who owes me a favor.” I laid down next to her grabbing an end of the blanket and covering up. She snuggled against me feeling very cold. “Gosh Tryla why are you so cold.”
       “Feel my wings,” I moved my hand to her back feeling her wing over the shirt.
       “Your wings feel like hot embers.”
       “That's what they were trying to figure out when you busted me out of surgery, why I  have so much blood flow to my wings but not my body.” She moved closer to me laying her head on my shoulder, I can remember us doing this when she had a nightmare at the lab.

       I awoke to a cold hole where Tryla was sleeping earlier. I immediately jumped from the bed pulling on my sneakers and a sweatshirt. I swung open the door and ran to the parking lot searching for vans or large men. That's when I heard the familiar sound of flapping wings. I looked up and saw her brown and red speckled wings helping her glide in the sky, she was laughing and doing spins in the air as she propelled herself higher in the air. I saw a fire escape on the side of the building and began to climb up as she continued her flight. I was running now trying to get her attention, as I reached the top of the two story building I saw her land on the roof softly.
       “What were you think Try?” I shouted angrily. “No wait I know, you weren't thinking. It's 10 am traffic is busy and they probably saw you.”
       “I'm sorry, I just wanted to have a little freedom to fly. I've been trapped in a lab forever.” She followed me down the fire escape, but suddenly stopped and climbed on the railing. She jumped as I reached for her, she didn't extend her wings so she plummeted.

the burden of wingsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ