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    Two days Tryla sat in the room, only being let out when her cries for a bathroom got annoying enough for someone to take her. She sat criss cross on the floor, with her wings wrapped around her like a blanket. The entrance opened again with Monsieur Damson walking in with a tray.
       “Are you going to be a good girl for me? Or am I gonna have to eat this myself,” he said with a smirk reaching his ears. She looked up, holding her frown. He sat down in front of her, handing her the tray.
       “Why am I in here, and not my room?”
       “Are you not going to eat? You need to get big and strong if we're going to continue training you.”
       “I have a feeling that there is something extra in the food today.” He leaned forward taking the fork from the tray, then he cut off a piece of the meatloaf and ate it.
       “There, now eat! We have work to be done.” He reached out a hand and cupped her cheek. “Your father would love to see your new hair I bet. I like short hair on you.” She slapped his hand away.
       “Don't touch me!” He raised his hand again stroking her hair, as if he didn't hear her.
       “Are you ready to run, little one?” She pulled his wrist from her hair, scowling at him.
       “Are you? I learned a few things things while no one was watching.” That's when she ignited her wings, she didn't know how but she was able to light her wings on fire without burning herself. Damson jumped up and ran out of room, obviously surprised.

       “So what inspired this Octopi place to experiment on a toddler anyway?” Nathan asked.
       “At first Octopi studied irregularities, trying to help people. Until Octopi got some new leadership, and realized that they could cause some trouble. That they could essentially take control of the world.”
       “That’s harsh man!”
       “Yeah, well evil scientists aren't known for their helpfulness in helping humanity, just ask Frankenstein.” We had been driving for two days now, and still haven’t found anything. They just had to give her wings, the only thing we can’t track. She couldn't have gotten very far, seeing as she had never flown beyond the lab, and probably wasn't thinking after our argument. Oh god… our argument, I should never have said those things to her. 
       “Dude!” I looked up, straightening the truck on the road. 
       “Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.”
       “You almost hit that old lady! You know I think that we should pull over, we've been at this for two days with no breaks. You haven't even slept, you look like crap!” I pulled over to the side of the road, and looked him right in the eyes.
       “They have her again! Their gonna hurt her again! IM HER BROTHER, its my job to protect her. And what did I do, I got her in trouble. They might kill her for leaving, or worse. Torture her. Again!” By this point tears were streaming from my eyes.
       “Look man i get it, if someone captured my little brother. I’d kill them with my bare hands. But killing yourself by not sleeping or eating isn’t gonna help Angel!”
       “Hey! Why are we searching dirt roads, when you've been there! Lets just go to the place you got her from.”
       “You're a freaking genius Nathan!” I said sarcastically. “They aren't stupid, they wouldn't bring her back to a place that I got her from.”
       “They might if they wanted to get you too!”
       “What would they want me for?”

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