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       Damson had come into my room, he had the nerve to show me the video of her racing back and forth l, saying that she was mutating. And then he told me to get myself together, I was getting discharged today. He also game me this tidbit as I walked through the gate of OCTOPI into the wild.
       “We're not gonna stop experimenting until we find what your father did to her.” I turned around not being able to suppress an angry laugh.
       “I thought the freaking WINGS were pretty obvious.” He simply smirked and walked back inside, allowing the guard to take us from there.
       “Have a good life Emerson, I'll take good care of Tryla.” That's when I lost it, I charged at him, but I didn't make it far before the guard grabbed me. So I head-butted the guard. He didn't appreciate that, he simply smiled and pressed me against the electric fence and then through my ass out of OCTOPI. 
       I got his key card though.
       I chuckled as I climbed into the car next to Nathan. Putting the key card into the glove compartment for safe keeping.
       “Are you some kind of masochist or something? Who laughs at being electrocuted?” I held up the card for him to see, then quickly pressed it between two books in the glove compartment. He gunned the engine and we sped away.
       I'm coming for you Tryla.

the burden of wingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora