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Not telling,” the agent said with a smug smile, and then Emerson shot him. I tried to stop him, the bullet killed the agent instantly. The smile was still on the agent's face. On Emerson’s face was pure hatred.
       “We’re gonna try the original building. You're right, she could be there.”

       “Run faster Tryla, come on. RUN!” Monsieur Damson had been making her run since early in the morning, electrocuting her with the remote if she slowed down or complained. “Come on, run like when you left here.” Every part of her body screamed out to stop, to rest, to do anything but go on running. But her mind knew that if she didn't run Damson didn't hesitate for a millisecond to shock her. Just a little further, come on Tryla you can do this! Then she tripped for a second, rubbing her barely socked foot on the hard surface of the track of the treadmill. It hurt more to run now, her foot stung like a million bees now.
       “Please Damson, let me take a break. I swear I’ll get back to running.” Then there was that familiar feeling of him electrocuting the back of her neck, spreading throughout her body. She fell from the treadmill landing next to Damson, who picked her up and practically threw her back onto the treadmill. She continued running, despite her aching foot and exhausted and starved body. She thought of ways to kill Damson, most of them too graphic to speak aloud. Then she tripped again falling for the final time from the treadmill, she hit her head hard on the wall behind her. She lay on the ground while he stopped the treadmill, then he sat down next to her smiling.
       “Ten hours, that beats your previous record of eight from last month.”
       “Screw… you,” she said between breaths. He picked her up and carried her into the glass room, sitting her on the hard ground.
       “I think tomorrow we should actually hook you up to something, record your vitals, actually get some data from your running. Today was just a practice.”
       “Are… you… serious.”
       “Laughably so i'm afraid, you'll have to do it again tomorrow.” That's when she jumped at him with her last remaining energy, she got a claw at his face before he pushed the button. He leaned down next to her his lips against her ear. “Get some rest Tryla, you'll need it. I have a feeling something big is happening tomorrow.”

       “Oh gosh! These are the best hot dogs in the world!”
       “Emerson chill, were eating at sheetz. Not Buckingham palace.”
       “Do you think that the queen even eats hot dogs?”
      “I doubt it, probably not fancy enough for her.”
       “Alright we should get going, Octopi is only 60 more miles from here. Another hour and a half and were there.”
       “Let's go break into a top secret facility, of crazy scientists!”
      “That's the spirit!”
       “That’s sarcasm!” We walked out of the gas station and climbed into the car. WERE COMING FOR YOU TRYLA! I pulled out of the parking lot and started the journeyed to Octopi HQ. Octopi’s hideout is hidden along a dirt road, and surrounded by a rusted fence. It looks like an innocent abandoned building surrounded by an old fence. But in reality the fence is electrocuted, and only openable by a keypad hidden in the no trespassing sign. BUT it has Tryla in it, so not even an electrified fence with stop me. 

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