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    Tryla woke up to Nathan staring at her, to her horror she had her wings wrapped around her like a blanket. As he ran out of the room she grabbed his arm.
       “What are you?” he shrieked.
       “It's okay Nathan, I'm human… plus.”
       “So your part bird?”
       “I prefer avian American… but sure you could say that.”
       “God, this is unbelievable. A girl with wings in standing in front of me. And bonus she's not trying to kill me.
       “She's also standing right here if you want to stop talking about her.”
       “Right, right, sorry. I'll just… I'll head downstairs.” On the way down the stairs he almost collided with me.

       “He saw you?!” I shouted again
       “How could you be so stupid!” She slammed open the window, jumping through. I saw her extend her wings, gracefully disappearing above the cloud layer. I slammed my fist against the window sill cursing, then I headed down stairs. Nathan sat on the couch gripping his head in his hands, practically hyperventilating. I ran over to the door locking it before he was able to reach it.
       “Whoa, Emerson. What are you doing?” he said standing up. I stepped closer to him putting my hands on his shoulders.
       “I need to make sure that you're not gonna tell anyone about Tryla.”
       “Who’s Tryla?”
       “My sister, the one with .. um… wings.”
       “I swear I would never do anything to hurt that little girl, or you for that matter.”
       “Okay good, good.” I took my hands away from his shoulder and sat on the couch.
       “When… what happened that she got wings?” he said sitting down.
       “Some bad scientists thought that they could turn my sister into a build a bear, adding things to her to improve her.”
       “Meaning… my sister was born with hollow back bones, she would never to able to walk. Until my dad got his hands on experimental drugs that gave her red speckled white wings.”
       “That's hard core!”
       “You're telling me.”

       Tryla knew that she was being stupid, she knew that she was being a pouting child right now. But she also knew that she had never flown freely before, only as high as Octopi's stadium ceiling. The wind felt great against her face, whipping her ear length hair back. 
       It felt so great that she didn't notice that she was below the clouds, noticeable to the people below. Including the Octopi agents standing below. She didn't even notice the net flying up until it was right in front of her wrapping her in rough rope. She fell so far, so fast! 

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