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   Tryla plopped down next to Nathan on the couch. He was watching SpongeBob Squarepants when she sat down.
       “Hiya Angel, you and your brother settled?”
       “Yeah, thanks for taking us in.” He stretched out his feet on the couch as she scooted down away from him. “What are you watching? Is he a square?”
       “He's a sponge, you've never watched this?”
       “Strict parents I guess, wasn't allowed t.v.”
       “That sucks.” She crossed her legs criss cross apple sauce and looked at the screen. A sponge was talking to a squirrel in a space suit, and a pink starfish.
       “This show looks weird.”
       “Don't knock it till you try it.” Tryla stood up and walked back upstairs, collapsing next to me on the bed. She shut her eyes and laid against the pulled out bed. I was about to say something when she held up her hand.
       “Let me sleep or I swear I will drop you from thirsty stories in the sky!”
       “Alright, alright you can sleep. Don't need to get violent.” I sat next her as she spread her wings out, wrapping them around her body. “What are you doing?”
       “Do you think it's comfortable having two hot wings only on your back when you sleep, it's not, especially since they're so large. Wrapping them around spreads out the heat.”
       “I'll make sure to complain to Octopi about the large wings, maybe they could have used little butterfly wings. Or maybe actual size bird wings, you could fly backwards like a hummingbird.”
       “Yeah, because just flying is so boring.” She opened her eyes shoving my leg. “Now let me sleep big brother.” I left the room and walked downstairs.
       “Your parents didn't let her watch spongebob? Why is that? What's wrong with them, spongebob teaches life lessons.”
       “Yeah, well… They are very strict. She didn't get much of a childhood.”
       “That sucks!”
       “Anyway… what's been happening with you lately?”
       “I got to the end of Zombie shoot to kill 4, can't wait for the new one to come out!”
      “Oh and Sarah broke up with me, so that blows.”
       “I’m sorry… I’m gonna go check on Tryla.” I practically ran up the stairs, I really have been tuned out of the early adult psyche. Nathan really knows how to talk a lot about nothing. Most guys at twenty two are only thinking about their new found freedom from parents and adults in general, while I the twenty two year old am still fighting for freedom for not only me but my sister, who is appreciating freedom for the first time. Tryla moaned as i sat down next to her on the bed.
       “Nathan isn't a very thrilling conversationalist, so I thought that I would talk to you.”
       “I'm not exactly one for conversation either.”
       “At Least you don't talk about ex girlfriends and zombie theories.”
       “Okay, quick question… whats a girlfriend?”
       “Oh right, a girlfriend is a girl that a boy, or girl, kisses and or marries in the future.”
      “Thrilling description Emerson.” 
       “Come on Tryla, it's your first day o a real life, lets go somewhere or something?” She sat up, giving me one of her glares.
       “Fine what do you want to do?”
       “Let's go to a park.”

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