Chapter Four: Outside of GGO

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Hanzō's Apartment - 

At the crack of dawn, Hanzō's alarm-clock loudly blares out in his room. The young man groans loudly as he slowly tries to turn off his clock. Eventually, Hanzō takes his entire arm and sweeps it against his drawer, throwing the clock onto the floor and thus shutting it off. Slowly, Hanzō gets up from his bed and puts his feet on the floor, rubbing his face of any exhaustion.
That is when the young man hears Hyde whine  inside his head.

Why do we always have to wake up BEFORE the Sun rises?

Hanzō mutters,
"...First of all, the Sun is already rising, Hyde. Second, the commute to school is always a hassle."

That is when Hanzō proceeds to stand up and head for his bathroom to take a shower. The young man groans loudly as he feels the water hit his face, taking him out of his tired slump. After his shower, Hanzō continues with the rest of his daily routine, which is to put on his school uniform and then eating breakfast.
Once he is done making sure he has everything for school, Hanzō walks out his apartment.

As soon as he is outside, Hanzō meets Shino Asada, who is wearing the female version of his school's uniform.

As soon as he is outside, Hanzō meets Shino Asada, who is wearing the female version of his school's uniform

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Shino asks him,
"Ready to go, Nakamura-san?"

"As ready as I'll ever be..."

With that said, both Shino and Hanzō leave the apartment complex and walk towards the train-station. Despite being neighbors in the same complex, as well as going to the same school, neither Shino or Hanzō consider themselves as friends. If anything, the two teenagers saw each other as an 'acquaintance'.
As they are on the train, they continue to converse until they arrived at school.

Hanzō asks,
"So...did anything happen to you yesterday, Asada-san?"

Shino replies,
"Well...let's say I met someone that I'm...not thrilled to meet. You?"

"I...also met someone that I'd rather not see again."

When the conversation turned into awkward silence, Hyde felt the need to laugh. The voice in Hanzō's head cannot help but mock the young man.

Wow, Hanzō~! This is a VERY sad attempt to talk to a girl!

Hanzō mutters,
"Not even an hour and you already annoy me..."

"Excuse me?"

Hanzō suddenly looks at his neighbor and sees the small, angry glare on Shino's face. Realizing how that might sound, Hanzō immediately apologizes. Hanzō mentally scolds himself, forgetting that he tends to mutter every time he has a conversation with Hyde.
He says,
"S-Sorry! I was just remembering my meeting with the person I was talking about, H-Hideki!"

Only a few know of Hyde's existence, while everyone else knows the voice in Hanzō's head as 'Hideki'.

Shino looks at Hanzō for a few seconds before accepting his answer, not before she gives him a look that tells him what will happen if he did purposely insult her. After that embarrassing moment, the two teenagers proceed to go on about the rest of their commute in silence.

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