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Reyna knew he was behind her. She could feel him, shifting from foot to foot like he did when he knew he was in trouble.

"You've changed," Reyna said, not hiding the bitterness in her voice.

Jason stepped forward, as if to comfort her, but stopped short. She still wouldn't look at him.

"I-I know. So have you?" he offered.

Reyna didn't take it. "Six months, Jason. Six months. I thought you were dead. You couldn't have... I don't know, sent me a letter? An iris message? A fucking eagle?" She was angry, but her hands shook like they did when she was about to cry.

Jason must have picked up on it because he stepped forward again. Reyna turned around to face him, bracing herself for what she knew she'd see. The new scar looked strange, but that's not what she focused on. His remaining eye was still blue, as blue as the sky. The corners of his mouth turned upward, his eyebrows hopeful and his hair longer, nearly shaggy. That was the only bit of him that looked Greek. Everything else was as Roman as the tattoo on his arm.

"I know I should have contacted you," Jason said. "But I didn't want to raise suspicion."

Reyna knew it was more than that, and it might have something to do with the pretty daughter of Aphrodite down in their basement. But she didn't press him. They didn't know each other like that anymore.

"It doesn't matter now," Reyna said. She could have said more too, but she didn't.

Jason shifted his weight again, then held out the purple robe. "Just like old times?"

Reyna recognized the robe. It was the one they wore when they were first crowned praetors, after the battle at Mount Orythus.

Reyna accepted it, careful not to touch Jason's hand. "Just like old times."


The senate was crowded in war times, but Reyna was used to that. The past six months felt like one ongoing war, so Reyna barely felt their stares anymore. But Jason was uncomfortable. She could tell by the way he clenched and unclenched his fingers around his armrests. She thought about murmuring a word of encouragement, but decided against it. If he had come back sooner, he wouldn't have been that nervous.

Octavian sat in the first row with Frank and Hazel. Reyna suspected Hazel and Frank knew something about Percy's disappearance, but she couldn't ask them in front of the senate. A private audience was most effective.

When the last of the centurions entered, Reyna stood to address the senate. It was strange not deferring to Jason. Even when they were both new praetors, it was clear Jason had the most authority, he always did. But here Reyna held court.

"Greetings, everyone, and thank you all for coming. I know the events today have been shocking and confusing, but I'm here to reassure you everything is under control." It wasn't an outright lie, but it certainly wasn't the truth. "As most of you know, Jason, my fellow praetor, brought us three prisoners and a warship, proof that the Greek demigods exist." Whispers started in the audience, and Reyna raised her hand to quell them. "I know it's confusing, but you must understand. The Greeks have been our enemies for thousands of years, so we can take no precautions." Reyna paused. "Which brings me to our current problem: Percy Jackson. I've already assigned search parties to leave when this meeting adjourns. Thanks to Jason, we know the exact location of the Greek camp. And one of our prisoners is a senior camper, someone who knows the ins and outs of the enemy territory. I have faith we will find Percy and put an end to this threat." Reyna leaned forward and fixed her audience with the glare she knew terrified at least the junior centurions. "But most importantly, bring us Percy alive. We will not be making a marter today."

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