Blue Books

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(Hello! First one shot let's go! Also Techno in this is Tommy's age)

It was during the Manburg Vs Pogtopia war that they met him. Honestly it was surprising to find that Schlatt had a child, let alone a non-zombified piglin. The man's explanation for that was that his son had human dna in him which is what prevented or at least slowed his zombification. It's also the reason for his mostly non-piglin appearance. Schlatt had figured out a way to cure him which is how he stopped the zombification process in his son. Now back to the actual story.

With the Pogtopia war being about seven years before the current time, his son was only 9 at the time. Definitely way too young to be caught up in wars. But then again, Schlatt was the one raising him after all. Honestly they all expected that the kid would turn out... messed up.. in a way.

Wilbur and the others were hesitant about fighting someone so young. Honestly none of them actually wanted to hurt him but that didn't mean they would go easy on him. That would be their downfall so they had to fight him. The boy was better then they thought though they didn't know exactly why they underestimated him, probably because he was a child. But then again Tommy was also a child at the time. Eventually, in the chaos, the boy escaped with many injuries leaving the others to fight in their own. This might be why Manburg lost. They'd lost one of their best fighters which is partially why they lost to Pogtopia.

It also seemed as though he was having second thoughts about the fight after Schlatt died in front of him. They didn't know he was there until the moment after Schlatt died when they heard a little gasp. Then they say him running. The boy ran back to the White House but was gone when Tubbo and a few others went to check on him. That seemed to be the end of it. At least until one fateful day.


Techno lived far from the others, his home was built atop a tall tree he splashed an accelerated growth potion on. Seeing his father, the man who raised him die really messed with his head. The man could barely go a day without beating him black and blue and yet he was sad when the man died. He was a child, maybe it was because he had no one else to rely on. There was no one else he could turn to now. He certainly wasn't going to stay in L'Manburg, not after almost killing everyone. Especially not since his fathers husband was there as well. Quackity was a much better parent then his actual father but something was off about him after that. Something was clearly wrong and Techno didn't like it.

Techno ran back to the White House that day to retrieve as many of his things as he could. His room was small and run down but it was better then what he had before Schlatt. Techno was the runt of his siblings and was the result of an affair his mother had with a partially human man. Sure Schlatt was bad but at least he had good days where he was kind or at least as kind as Schlatt could be. Techno's siblings used him as a personal punching bag and it wasn't just one of them. It as all six. Schlatt was only one man, a man who Techno deemed to be way less dangerous then his siblings.

While he was gathering his things he noticed a creaky spot in the floor of his closet. Not to say the rest of the floorboards in his room weren't creaky but it was more so then that. He then noticed the hinges and the rope used as a makeshift handle. It was a door. So he ventured down into the depths under the floor of the White House and found a small room covered in spider webs and mouse droppings. Techno found a locked chest among the other chests filled with liquor bottles and trash. Luckily the lock was rusted and easily broke off. Techno found a worn blue book with a symbol on the front. There wasn't a label but inside the chest with it was a bag of potion ingredients.

He looked at the first page finding old piglin spells. It was written in native Piglin, a language Techno didn't realize he remembered. The book was filled with ancient spells and potions. He remembered his parents having a similar book. Techno knew why it was down here. Schlatt didn't want techno to become more powerful then he was and begin to question his authority. It's the same reason he didn't introduce Techno to many people. He wanted Techno to be as complaisant as a well trained dog. So he wouldn't learn to resent Schlatt, so he wouldn't find a way to leave.

Techno could hear Tubbo and the others coming in to find him. The walls of the White House were quite thin. He closed the book and grabbed the bag, shoving them into his duffel bag and escaping through a window. He ran as far away as he could before he could no longer run. He found a place far enough from everyone and built his home there with help from a friendly enderman named Janis. Or at least he thought the enderman was called Janis. After all the enderman had given him a more human name instead of their actual name.

That leads us to modern day.


"Damnit... wrong again.."

Techno had noticed these strange red vines growing everywhere. He didn't know exactly how to remove them. So of course he flipped through his blue spell book and found a mention of them, the blood vines. There was a potion that could be used to combat this stuff. However there were no ingredient quantities so he had to figure that out by himself.

He'd seen them grow near Phil's house as well. How he knew you may be wondering? Phil has a lot of resources which he sometimes steals but only because Phil has an abundance. So Techno cut off portions of the vines to use in his experiments. Was is strange? Absolutely. Was it completely necessary to find out how to combat these things? Absolutely.

"....shit... ran out of red stone... surely it would be fine without it.. right?"

Techno had begun to talk to himself and by proxy the voices in his head. It was quite lonely out here all alone. Now back to the potions.

Turns out, outdated formulas are a huge problem within the book. So he set out for supplies and made himself a new fresh notebook. Now he had a place to write down the fixed potions as well as the old spells since the book was very old. Apparently this new 'generation' of the red vines doesn't react to purple the same it does blue. The red stone turns the potion a purple color while without it's a bright blue from the 'Ghostbur's Blue' he used. Apparently having specifically Ghostbur blue was incredibly important. The original just needed a form of a 'blessed' blue but that clearly wasn't a useable recipe anymore. Also Techno didn't know how to make the originally used 'blessed blue'. So he found a sleeping Ghostbur and stole a bunch of it, don't worry he picked a bunch of blue flowers and placed them in Ghostbur's house. So Ghostbur could make more blue.

Once he found out that his potions worked he made quick work of the vines growing around his house and garden. He even made a ring of it surrounding his property. Eventually he found they originated in L'Manburg so much to his dismay, late into the evening he went and began to clear the vines from buildings and such. He wore a dark cloak with a hood just in case anyone saw him. One he arrived, he began to use the potions carefully on the red vines. The potions weren't working as well now that he was close to the source. The vines just kept coming back which was a huge problem. Soon he would find that that wouldn't be the only problem he experiences on the trip. Especially since he didn't realize the sun was slowly creeping up the night sky, lighting it up.

(A/N I edited it... it's better written now.. I think... edit #2 I fixed some shit ... yay)

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