Princely Affairs (p.3)

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"Hey Phil"

"Yes Ranboo?"

"How long have you known Techno?"

"Since he was born, I guess. Why?"

"what was Techno like as a kid?"

Phil smiled fondly at the mostly amazing memories now rushing into his head. Quite a few of the memories he had with Techno were quite sad though. Phil decided to share mostly just the nice ones.

"As a kid. Techno, he was surrounded by all these terrible things and yet.. he was almost always smiling, happy to do almost anything as long as it involved being outside. He loved going outside, mostly because he wasn't allowed to. You know, despite being raised a prince with the world at his feet and hundreds of servants at his beck and call he always saw everyone as equal to him, like he wasn't any better for having the things he did"


"Yeah, techno's closest and really his only friends lived in the slums because nobles children were too prissy and sophisticated for him or at least that's what he said. I think that maybe they just were told to avoid him by their parents. He wasn't like any of them and they didn't like it. They would play by the river and since his father hated these perceived distractions, he had to go by a different name with them. They knew he was the prince but no one else knew because he hadn't been seen there by anyone else. That's where the name 'Techno' came from, that was the name he told them to call him whenever they talked about him so they wouldn't get caught"

"But why did they need the code names?"

Phil frowned, he'd hoped Ranboo wouldn't ask that. He hoped Ranboo would just know that the ruthless king would do anything to keep techno from these distractions.

"Because, If the king were to find out he'd likely have them killed even though they were only children"

Ranboo went silent for a second. Phil sighed, the sad smile returning to his face as he began to tell more stories.

"I remember helping Techno sneak food for his friends and their families from the castle. I'd distract the cook and Techno would load up his basket with as much food as he could and run out of there as soon as he could"

"what happened to him? other then the whole thing with his parents, I mean. He seemed like those things couldn't change him"

Phil sighed staring into his cup of tea.

"Well, his father started getting much harsher as he got older because he was supposed to be the next to rule the kingdom. By 14 he had commanded an army and done so many things that even some adults couldn't handle doing. Then he wasn't that happy little boy anymore"

"I mean, I understand it. I can't imagine growing up like that"

Phil nodded. Eventually they switched the topic of conversation to something less sad. The rest of their conversation was quite pleasant.


The group of adults rode their horses through the plains.

It had been about two months since their father returned from this village and in those two months, he fell drastically ill. All four were relieved to be honest and so would be their mother had she still been alive. None of them knew how they were going to tell their brother. They were going to the village to see if their baby brother had poisoned the man, mostly to thank him for doing so.

Emilia got off her horse as soon as they came upon an area surrounded by walls, then spotting lights. Eventually they entered a town, they didn't really know where to look until they heard a vaguely familiar voice. Then a second voice that they recognized as well.

"You what?!"

"Techno, I know you said we wouldn't harm him but I had to. It just pissed me off to see his face again after so many years, knowing he's still the exact same fucking asshole who saw himself as above everyone else and I know you'll say that sometimes people can change, he could be able to change and all that but he would have apologized if he changed. He wouldn't have acted the way he did when he saw you and he wouldn't act like the exact same prick that he was when you left"

"I know but still. You can't just-"


The two figures turned.

Emilia smiled, it was him. It was her lovely little baby brother, the baby brother that would chase butterflies in the garden and calmly read to them when they felt ill. Somehow it never failed to make everything seem better. Though she could feel that something was off.

"Emilia? What are you-"

Then he was engulfed in a hug by his oldest sister. He pushed her away, a slightly cold look on his face. Their siblings James, Quinn and Billiam shared a look.

"What the hell are you doin?"

"O-Oh sorry, I-we have some news to tell you"

"Get on with it then, Emilia. I don't have all day and I'm assumin neither do you"

Emilia frowned. All these years, she thought her baby brother would be happy to see her, to see their siblings. Apparently she was very, very wrong.

"Good news or bad first"


"Well Father has fallen ill and we think he might die. We wanted to know if you had anything to do with it?"

Phil looked at Emilia. The siblings recognized him as the guard who saved their littlest brother.

"It was me, I poisoned him though. Te-Tobias told me not to do anything"

"Oh... well thank you, Phil"

Techno was getting impatient. He had things he still needed to do.

"What else did you want to tell me?"

"It's about mother. She... sadly died a couple months ago and we brought a box she left for you after she died"

Techno looked at the box and took it from James' hands. His expression softened slightly when their mother was mentioned but returned soon to that cold look. He said nothing about either things they told him. Techno didn't even show any emotion even though his loving mother had died.

"Is that all you wanted to tell me?"


"Bye, then"

Techno began to walk off but was pulled back by the oldest of his brothers.

"What is up with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're acting like you don't care, like you don't want us here"

"Because I don't want you here, Billiam. I'm assumin I wasn't clear enough to get through that dense skull of yours"

"Why are you acting like this?"

"I'm not actin like anythin Billiam. This is simply how I am. You probably don't like it so I'm just going to ask you once again to leave. I never wanted to see you again anyway"

That last comment stung. None of them showed it but Techno knew. He knew them.

"You never acted this way when you lived back home"

"I was 14 when I lived back home, Quinn. I'm 21 so of course I'm not gonna be actin like some stupid, immature little kid anymore"

Then Emilia felt the need to point something out.

"Why are you wearing a crown?"

"Is it a crime now, Emilia?"

The siblings exchanged a look. Silence fell over the siblings.


"Ok then it's none of your business. Go home"

Phil stopped Techno from leaving.

"Techno, they're your siblings. And I'm sure their tired after such a long trip. Come along, you can rest over at my house. It's just a bit of a ways to get to it though surely not as far as your kingdom"

(Edit : 1290 words! It's probably as good as it will get)

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