Blue Books (p.2)

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(Kind of edited but like.. not)

Quackity was with Fundy and Tubbo, they walked along the remains of L'Manburg then noticing a strange cloaked figure. It didn't seem to be anyone they knew. This person was splashing a blue substance onto some of the red vines. To their surprise they watched as the bloodvines began to dissipate and retreat back toward the egg for a short while before beginning their return to their original spot. It was surprising that it even worked a little. It didn't matter that they returned anyway, it was still harming the egg.

"Goddamnit..... why won't you just fucking stay dead?!"

The voice of the person was familiar. They'd all heard it before but they had no clue as to where they'd heard it. All they knew was that the voice sounded familiar.


The figure turned in their direction, their hood still covering their face. Quackity just stared at the figure who picked up their basket of these strange potions and tried to flee. Turns out, Quackity was just slightly faster then this person. The group noticed their limp as they walked and said limp became more prevalent as they tried to run. It was likely they were hurt in some accident or something like that.

Quackity now had a firm grip on their arm.

"Who are you?"

The figure turned their head, no longer looking at Quackity. They stayed silent, not answering Quackity. The impatient man grabbed the front of their cloak, effectively choking the person a little. Quackity was getting impatient. This person was shorter then Quackity by a bit so Quackity couldn't see their face from the angle he was looking at them.

"Who. Are. You? Answer me"

" doesn't matter... you know.... you're much different then I remember.. Quackity..."

The look in Quackity's eyes faltered showing briefly how he really felt in the moment. How the hell did this guy know his name?

"Answer me"

"Let go and maybe I will"

Quackity let go of the cloak but not of this persons wrist. After all there was still a risk they'd try running again. Instead of saying anything else the figure simply pulled down their hood, revealing their face. They looked up at them, Tubbo gasped and Quackity's eyes widened. Their expression was blank and the look in his eyes read to be kind of sad.


"Nice to see you again too"

The boys face had changed quite a lot but Quackity could recognize him from anywhere. Techno's hair was still cotton candy pink but it was much longer now. Now the silky locks reached to about his hips now that they were free of the hood. It was in a similar half up, ponytail that it was always in when he was a child. His skin looked a little less pink now and more of a pale human skin color though there was still a pink tint to it. Many prominent scars now adorned his body and it seemed as though the ones Schlatt left on him seemed to have faded a bit. Techno's heterochromic eyes had changed as well though not by much. His left eye was still the bright green Quackity remembered but his formerly brown right eye was now a bright gold.

"Where the fuck have you been?"

"I don't need to tell you anything"

"Actually yes you do, it's in Schlatt's Will.... it states that if anything were to happen to him... full custody would be handed to me... at least, until you're 18 of course... which if I remember correctly... you're 16"

Techno looked to be in disbelief.


"You can see it if you want"

"No, let go of me. I want nothing to do with you"

Quackity changed in that very brief moment. Something was off about him now.

"Why not stay? I mean.. last I remember... your dads ghost was begging to see you again... seems like he missed you..."

"Don't start with that shit Quackity. I'm only here because these stupid vines were growing around my house and I wanted to destroy it at the source. It seems though, the source is much more powerful then what I thought"

"We want the same thing then Techno. To get rid of these vines. What do you say? You grew up here, didn't you?"

"I grew up in a tiny decrepit room in that stupid White House building. You're lucky I haven't destroyed it"

"There's no need to be hostile"

"I don't care. I'm leaving, I don't know what happened to you but you certainly aren't the guy I remember. I don't know what happened but I don't like it and I'm not staying here"


"Don't follow me Quackity"


Quackity watched as the boy he used to be proud to call his son walked away. The boy walked further into the distance. Even if they tried they wouldn't be able to track him. That is, if they didn't have a way to know exactly where he was.

Quackity turned to Tubbo and Fundy with a proud look on his face. He then showed them a small device he had that looked like a sonar machine. Like something one would find on a ship except smaller, it could fit perfectly into Quackity's hand. There was a single moving dot on the machine. The dot was pink and was moving rather slowly.

"What is that?"

"Did you really think that I'd just let him go like that? It's a tracker Tubbo"


"I want to know where he's been the past few years"

Tubbo was a bit suspicious now. Quackity really was acting strange but he didn't know why. No one did.

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