넌 나의 Violeta

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In a world full of magic there isn't much left for those without to do. Most things in daily life could be completed easily with magic. The magicless humans were inferior.

Humans began to fight against elven folk and the spirits that roamed earth. The humans had learned to make potions, though said potions were inferior to what a good sorceress could do, these potions could still cause harm. Eventually they managed to drive out whole kingdoms after slaying their rulers.

This is where we meet Techno. Now I know you may be wondering, why would we focus on a simple forest guardian spirit? Techno was from one of these kingdoms, the ones that were destroyed. Sure it had been over 200 years by now but it was still fresh in his mind. As if it had occurred the day before. Now I won't bore you with all of the details just know that Techno was the son of a farmer. A lovely man really, of which Techno was the only child. His mother was a kind River spirit who fell in love with Techno's father and offered him help. It was the dry season so the crops weren't doing as well and it was more difficult to keep food on the table. Even if he was a man who could bend the earth and plants to his will, they were struggling. Technos father was a proud man, he never wanted to ask his close friends for help. Techno was pretty sure the man would rather die then ask for help.

But that was years ago. Long story short, Techno and his family were in town trying to sell their crops. All was going well until humans stormed into the kingdom. Normally the kingdom would have welcomed the humans, they'd always have, but these humans began to threaten people. Saying that if they wanted to live then they should run. His father had taught him the human language, Techno was raised being told that the humans only found you a threat if you did things they didn't understand. The more human you seem, the safer you are. So techno learned the humans language, less of a chance ending up dead in a ditch because some human assumed you were saying something rude.

Techno's father didn't stand down, neither did his mother. Not even when Techno was injured though they did show some hesitation. Techno watched them take down a human wearing some sort of metal clothing. Techno eventually learned it was armor, made of some material he didn't remember the name of. It wasn't all that common in non-human kingdoms. Most things were made of adamantine or enderite or netherite. Those were things humans didn't even know of because they didn't have any magic capabilities. They'd be able to find those things if they had magic. Though Techno did see a human in netherite armor once, it was much weaker then the type he found in non-human forges. Maybe they just didn't know how to handle it properly.

When Techno's parents were killed, he didn't know what to do. He stared up at the man who'd just cut his parents down. The man who has a sword raised to him, as if he had the guts to kill a child. The man's green eyes looked him over, widening when he saw Techno's family crest. He knew that humans didn't really have something like that but he could tell that the man understood what he'd just done. Who he's just slain in front of the child he wasn't ever going to see again. He knew exactly what he'd done when he saw the same willow tree carved into Techno's necklace as the one on the man's ring and the woman's hair pin. The man frowned, clearly feeling pity.

"Go, go now. They'll spare you if you run"

While the man wasn't looking Techno quickly pulled something from the saddle of the man's horse. Like a talisman of sorts. It was made out of a large gold coin, twine, a few small gemstones and some colorful beads. He'd etched the man's face and voice into his mind, one day when he was older... Techno would find him.. and he would kill him.

But that day never came. Techno never knew what happened to him but by now he was long gone. Techno took his fathers sword as well as his ring and his mothers hairpin. He used his powers to bury his parents, growing their favorite flowers and a willow tree on their grave.

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