Patient 212145 (newly edited)

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(I last edited this on Dec 28, 2021 so I decided to edit again)

Phil was a new scientist. Or at least, new to the lab he'd just been transferred to. He was glad that his son Wilbur also worked there with him, he didn't actually know anyone else. When he did talk to anyone at the new facility it was usually for actual work purposes. Mostly he just spoke to people he met through Wilbur.

Sometime after he first started, he was assigned to oversee the care of one of the 'experiments' Schlatt, his boss, had been working on.

Patient # : 2-12-1-4-5
Name : Technoblade
Current Caretakers name : Philza Minecraft
Previous Caretakers name : Quackity
Age : 16
Height : 5'8
Weight : n/a (subject refuses to be weighed)
Hybrid : piglin/human
Additional Info : Patient 212145 is incredibly difficult to work with. The patient refuses to do most things, most commonly he refuses to eat, sleep or let us weigh him. Despite this he is very strong because of his piglin dna. The patient has severely injured or killed a great number of his caretakers. He can be violent and is easily angered. Proceed with caution. Patient can be unpredictable.


Honestly Phil was kind of scared, especially with the pitying looks people would give him. By now everyone knew which patient he'd been assigned to.

He chose not to let fear stop him from doing his job so he just walked toward the door of his patient. Finally he found the door noticing that it was a heavy door with a strongly bolted door frame. Clearly it was meant to keep something in. There wasn't a small window on the door like all the others either. Phil took a deep breath before knocking them entering the room. You may think it's stupid to knock before entering but he does it to notify the people inside that he was entering. The patients had no say in who was allowed in their rooms.

Phil looked around, the room was very plain and empty looking. It had all of the basic things like a dresser, a bed, a bedside table and a bathroom. It was much unlike the rooms of other 'experiments'. Everyone else had been given some items to make it more like 'home'. This patient was not. After taking a glance at the room he focused on his patient. It was a very disheartening sight of a young 'experiment' in what looked to be a muzzle and handcuffs. The boy was very clearly underweight like the chart had said, the hospital like clothing he wore basically hung off his almost skeletal frame. His breathing was also a bit shallow, as if the muzzle was restricting his ability to breathe. It worried him greatly.

"h-hello Techno... my name is Phil and I will be taking care of you from now on, I hope you're alright with that"

The boy just stared at the ground, into nothingness. Phil sighed, he'd seen footage of other people interacting with Techno. Honestly he didn't agree with any of their methods. Most spoke to him as though he were a dog or wasn't a sentient being that could speak or have opinions. It disgusted him. This child was just as much of a person as they were, even if his blood said he wasn't fully human.

"You know, I've never understood why they think it's ok to put muzzles or cuffs on you... I mean, how are you any different from any of the others? The only thing is that you aren't as complaint... I guess they don't like that.."

The boy still didn't look at him. Instead choosing to sit there and continue to stare at the floor.

"Techno? Could you please look at me, you don't have to if you don't want to but I would like to see more of the muzzle. They... didn't tell me how to take it off"

This clearly peaked the boys interest, no one really had ever mentioned taking it off other then for food and even then they just stopped taking it off him every for that. Mostly because they knew that he wouldn't eat any of his food. He also would try to bite them and swing at them with the cuffs if they got close. The boy looked at him with his tired emerald green eyes. Some would say that Phil was too soft hearted for his job, it's why he was transferred in the first place. Phil liked to think that it's what made him good at his job.

"You have very nice eyes Techno. I'm going to come a bit closer to you now, don't worry... I'm not going to hurt you just.... um... just tap me or something if I'm too close to you"

Phil looked at the muzzle, seeing the straps attaching it to his head and the lock to keep it on him. He had the key so he undid the straps and then put the key into the lock. Then Phil grabbed the muzzle, putting it off to the side. Phil was saddened to see the cuts and bruises in the boys face from the muzzle, the cuts were small and didn't seem too deep thankfully. Thankfully, raising a child taught Phil to always keep bandages on him. So Phil just pulled a bandage from his pocket and placed it onto Techno's jaw gently. He only put one on the bigger cut since it was still bleeding.

Phil then dug around in his pocket to find the handcuff key. Once he found it he uncuffed a very confused but grateful seeming Techno. The boy had bruises around his wrists from the cuffs. Phil was pissed off about that but he made sure Techno didn't see that.

"There, now maybe you'll be able to sleep more comfortably. And speaking of sleep, please try to at least get some sleep I know it's hard but you need rest. I have to go now for a meeting. Don't worry.. I won't put those back on you"

Phil smiled at the sitting boy and stood. He then walked back toward the door with the cuffs and muzzle. Just as he opened the door to leave he heads a quiet voice say.

"..b-bye Phil"

Phil smiled. The voice was horse from lack of use but he could actually hear him either way.

"Bye, Techno. I will see you tomorrow morning"


Clearly Schlatt, Wilbur and the others were surprised to see him holding the muzzle and cuffs. Especially since he was completely unscathed.

"How the hell?"

"What is it Schlatt?"

"How aren't you hurt? Especially since you have those in your hands"

"I'm beginning to think that those rumors of his hostility were just that. He was incredibly calm actually"

"How? That's the first time I've seen anyone walk out of the room not bleeding from somewhere"

"Well... I treated him as though he was a person.. which sadly doesn't seem to be something he's used to"

Schlatt looked over at the assistant standing by the projector.

"Hey, kid. Pull up security camera footage from Patient 212145's room"

"He seems to be sleeping or trying to sleep right now sir"

Schlatt looked at Phil confused. Everyone in the room just stared at the smiling Phil.

"What are you?"

Phil just laughed.

"Well I'm a father, guess that might have helped"


Techno had a restless sleep that night but honestly at least he got some sleep for once. Clearly the reason for his not sleeping is the muzzle and handcuffs which honestly made Phil question the intelligence of his past caretakers.

Seriously you'd think they'd figure the boy out by then.

The next day Phil walked toward his patients room. In his hands he had a small bowl of fruit for the boy and his own breakfast. He entered and found the boy braiding his long pink hair. The boy stopped to watch him as he entered. Phil smiled at him.

"Good morning Techno, I brought you some fruit. I know you haven't been eating in a while but if you could just eat what you can. I won't be angry with you if you don't finish it"

The two ate together in silence. Phil was very proud of Techno in this moment. Techno had eaten just under a quarter of what Phil had given him. Progress

"Good job, I'm proud of you. I mean, you didn't finish it but I didn't expect you to"

Techno glanced up at him briefly before looking back toward the ground. Phil just smiled at him, gently patting him on the head. At first Techno flinched at the touch, he only relaxed when he realized that Phil wasn't going to hurt him. He watched Phil leave the room and didn't say anything other then a brief goodbye.

Technoblade AU Book!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें