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(I think I have an addiction to writing songfics)

Oh no, did I get too close?

Phil smiled at the younger man. He would consider them to be close friends despite the others generally cold exterior. Phil prided himself in always knowing what techno was thinking. It showed that they were indeed close.

Oh, did I almost see what's really on the inside?

Phil gasped, startled by the loud crash he heard. He ran up the stairs to Techno's room.


He knocked once but revived no answer but he could hear Techno muttering to himself.

"You alright? Mate?"

"G-go away, Phil"

Techno sounded urgent, afraid. It was something Phil wasn't used to. And he would never actually get used to hearing it despite how much he heard it.

All your insecurities

He used to withhold his smiles in front of everyone. Phil didn't understand why because Techno had a wonderful smile. That he knew for a fact because he'd seen it.

All the dirty laundry

"The voices.... They demand blood Phil"

"They're so... so.. loud"

Never made me blink one time

"Phil, you have to go"

Phil looked at the other man, his sympathy visible in his eyes. Techno was sitting, curled up on the floor and his nails were digging into his arms when Phil found him. Phil stayed with him. Now Phil held his hand, firmly but gently as he watched to make sure Techno wasn't hurting himself.

"I'm not leaving until I'm sure you're alright, Techno"

"You can't be in here... they want me to-"

Phil sighed, he spoke gently to not stress the man out more.

"I know, I know... it's alright, I won't be upset about it. You can't control them, it wouldn't be your fault. I wouldn't be mad if anything does happen. I just know you shouldn't be alone either"

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally


Phil was startled, definitely not expecting to see his friend covered in cuts and bruises as well as haveing bloodstained hands. Techno looked dazed. Something was wrong. The kingdoms ruler was already constantly on Phil's ass about Techno. Now this?

"Mate? What did you do?"

"I dont.... I-I d-don't know.."

Phil sighed, he gently grabbed Techno's wrist and led him toward the couch. He patched Techno's cuts then leading him to the sink where he gently helped the man wash off the blood. Techno was acting strange and out of it still, he didn't let the man out of his sight for a while.

There is no fear now


"It's alright, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, we'll be fine"

Phil gently cradled he panicked man to his chest so Techno could hear his heartbeat. Phil was calm, he'd gone through this a million times before and he would do it a million times more.

Let go and just be free

Phil swooped down, grabbing the partially unsuspecting pink haired man. He laughed as Techno put his arms around his neck, pressing his face to Phil's neck. Techno held on for dear life though he knew Phil would never let him fall.

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