Princely Affairs

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As a child it wasn't uncommon for Tobias to be outside very often. He definitely wasn't supposed to be but he was.

His father, King Billiam was a horrible man who wanted to control every aspect of his young heirs life. Tobias didn't want to be an heir. He was the youngest of his siblings however he was the only 'legitimate' child of King Billiam and Queen Ophelia. You see Queen Ophelia had many children before meeting and marrying the king. The eldest, Emilia was 18 and was a very intelligent girl who actually wanted the throne.

Though Tobias at 14 years old was set to be the next king when Billiam died or gave up the throne.

Tobias had a terrible view of government because of his experiences as a child. Tobias. Just for a bit of insight, he was always the giving type. He was a wonderful child that would be a great king had he actually want to be king. Tobias was compassionate, something the current king definitely was not. His father, instead of helping the townspeople let them rot in their own filth because they couldn't afford things. Things that the king could help them with. These were things that Tobias mentioned to his half sister, Emilia, the one he actually wanted to give the throne to. She made note of it.

'King Tobias' just didn't sound right to him. What did sound right to him was 'Queen Emilia'.

He just wanted to go play with his friends down by the river. The children there were much more interesting then the nobles. They were nice to him but they couldn't be seen with him or his father would find them and have them killed for being distractions. They couldn't even speak of him as if he were their friend so he went by the name Techno. He liked that name much better then 'Tobias'. It was tough to say why but it was most likely because he associated that name with the kingdom and his father.

The name 'Techno' reminded him of his friends, people that made him happy.


Another thing that Tobias enjoyed other then exploring outside was combat.

At 14 he was considered the best swordsman in the kings army. If he wasn't outside then he was in the training yards, for lack of better term, kicking the shit out of palace guards. The adrenaline rush one got from being in combat was almost addicting. Especially if you were the one winning.

The young prince was set to rule the most successful kingdom in the region. This meant that other kingdoms were throwing their children in his direction. Mostly on the off chance that they pick one of them to marry the beautiful prince. They were even throwing their sons in his direction since it seemed as though he wasn't interested in their daughters. Sadly for them, Tobias wasn't interested in anyone at least at the moment.



"Yes, father"

"Did you or did you not go out and do something I specifically asked you not to today"

His father was being purposefully vague, something Tobias hated because it made it unclear what he had done wrong. Though at that point he'd begun to assume that anything he did was wrong. Tobias looked up, noticing the wine bottle near his father and the empty glass. Immediately sensing his fathers anger he moved his chair slightly Incase he needed to run.

The king was unpleasant on his own. Drunk, he was easily angered and violent.

"Father I-"

Something was thrown, Tobias didn't know what but he watched as his father sighed, then standing. The air was tense as the king looked toward his heir.

"I don't know how many times I'm going to have to tell you this, child. What will the other kingdoms say? It's unbecoming of you to be out and playing in the slums instead of studying to be the next king"

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