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She really love her. Even though she had bruises, warts, and wounds, she stayed by her side. She's her Mother after all. No chef in the world can ever hope to complete with her love-filled, home-cooked meals. She's her ray of sunshine, especially when the days feel so dull and gray.


She always told stories to her. She missed not a day until her Mother is slowly losing her breath.

Nothing is more essential than a mother.

! Author's Note !

This story revolves and tackled around sickness, and the experiences of abusement, sacrilege, maltreat and other more you expect to read here. So, if you don’t like the story about that, please  kindly leave this story.

I initially hesitated and tremulous to post this piece 'cause some scenes and concept of this can happened in real life and make you think twice.

Please be an open minded and bear with me. Thank you for your understanding. Don't forget to spread love as well as positivity.


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