Chapter 2 Closing the Door

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'Pippa.' A distant voice whispered. 'Pippa.'

A dark wood appeared before me, trees the colour of dried blood.

'Come find me Pippa.' The voice was less distorted than before, clearly belonging to a woman.

The woods passed me by, replaced by a ring of burning pyres.

'Come find me!' Margot's face came into view, followed by Ren's. 'Come find us!'

I awoke with a start, for a moment forgetting that I had fallen asleep in a hammock suspended four stories high. "Sweet Hell." I steadied myself, apologising to the wolf for waking it.

I peered over the edge of the hammock to see a few other family members stirring into wakefulness. I waited for the wolf to jump out first before following. I marvelled as the canine leapt from branch to branch with all the grace of the felines they so hated.

"Your wolf is not normal." My mother delivered me her usual scrutiny as I climbed my way down.

"That's an understatement." I replied.

Avery was already waiting for us in a white dress that swept the floor and wire framed glasses that shaped her soft oval face very well. She sure looked young and youthful, though she had an ageless quality to her demeanour and the way she spoke.

"Breakfast is through those doors and into the greenhouse next door." She gestured to everyone. "I realise I should have offered you a change of clothes yesterday."

I followed her gaze to my haggard appearance. "That might be a good idea." I followed her to an oval shaped pond fed by a slow flowing waterfall.

"I hope these are your size." She received a handful of folded clothes from a man in a rather dapper emerald green suit.

"Thank you." I accepted the clothes and she left, leaving me standing hopefully alone surrounded by large and thick leafed plants.

I unfolded an olive-green bikini and was more than surprised to find it fit perfectly. I left the sleeved, shoulder less white dress beside the pond before easing myself in the cool water.

I swam deep, welcoming the element as it washed the grime from my skin and eased the dull ache from my feet that were still sore from the trek the day before. As I surfaced, I took the time to wash my hair. I turned around and spotted the wolf staring at me from the edge of the pond.

"Why do I feel like you're male?" I could tell in its stare, no woman leered like a man did. "Can you give me some privacy?"

It gave a sad little whine before scampering off.

I combed my fingers through my hair in the water before exiting, throwing on the dress over my bikini, the sleeves ending at my wrists and the hem falling just above my knees. I rung the water out of my hair over the pond, leaving it out to dry as I navigated my way outside and into the neighbouring greenhouse where true to Avery's words, forty thousand Witches and Warlocks were feasting on breakfast.

Tables upon tables were plated with all kinds of fruits and vegetables, Witches and Warlocks of all ages and appearances ate, laughed and discussed.

I stood in the doorway, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Why do you get a cute dress?" Iris sneered as she stopped on her walk past me, bowel of mango and muesli in hand. I didn't think my outfit was significantly cuter than her jumpsuit.

"'Cause I died." I remarked dryly.

She huffed. "You're going to pull that card for the rest of your life, aren't you?"

The Witches in Oz (Book 2 in The Witches Series)Where stories live. Discover now