Chapter 17 Slew Me, Slew You

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I awoke only an hour before dawn, after dreaming of nothing but Margot in my arms. As I looked down, I realised that she was indeed in my arms and that nothing had been a dream at all, it had all been real.

I smiled as I looked to the sky, the light blue before it would be awash with orange hues.

Margot stirred.

"Sorry to wake you." I kissed her head softly.

"I don't mind." She rolled to look up at me with a smile of her own.

We both sensed someone watching and I looked over my shoulder to see Christina standing nearby. She silently conveyed that it was time for us to get ready before walking back down a dune to her Coven.

Margot and I put our clothes back on, rolling the blanket and carrying the basket back with us to follow.

"I have to see Maxime for a moment." She planted a kiss on my cheek. "If that's okay?"

"Yeah." I assured, watching her depart for a tent along the river. "Did you sneak in again?" I found the Demon lurking on a bridge.

"All mighty Christ-ina, let me in so I could be here for you." They divulged. "How are you feeling?"

"At the moment I'm okay." I was still riding on a high as I found I had been left some clothes to change into in a tent.

The Demon followed me in and stood there for a moment, head tilted as they studied me. "You slept with her, didn't you?"

I blushed and they actually clapped my shoulder to congratulate me.

"I'm so proud of you."

"It's embarrassing." I wasn't big on kissing and telling.

"It's beautiful." They gushed.

"Can I have some space please." I shook the clothes for demonstration between us.

"Ok, I just want to let you know that I can indeed keep a secret." They moved to leave.

"The fact that you have to tell me that is very concerning." I didn't trust them for a moment.

They winked before exiting and I shook my head. I appreciated their enthusiasm, but sometimes it was a bit too much to handle.

I unfolded what Christina had laid out for me. I held up a black jumpsuit with a sheer top and bottom half with lace, the waist sinched with a black corset. It matched with the black boots and pearl jewellery I had been left.

I wasn't surprised when the outfit fit me perfectly, accentuating my long limbs with the boots making me appear even taller than I already was.

I pulled my hair back into a low and long ponytail, wrapped in copper wire to accommodate the fashion of Dalewood Witches.

"Are you ready to-" Ren stopped on his way in. "You look amazing."

"Well, I am the executioner." I gestured to myself.

His expression fell. "I was sent to give you this." He extended a hand wrapped around the hilt of a sheathed dagger as long as my forearm.

I accepted it, marvelling at the filigree and studded pearls of the sheath and bone of the hilt. "Why must we disguise the dangerous?" I talked more to myself than Ren.

"Because it's distracting." With a hand on my back, he led me out.

For a moment I was rather affronted by the entire Coven gathered to watch, standing in their finest clothes and adorning their widest brimmed hats. There were even a few hounds and felines adorning glimmering collars by their Witch's side.

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