Chapter 14 Witches and the Beast

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We ran as fast as we could, avoiding tumbling boulders along the way.

"Let's go back to a time where I didn't believe in Dragons." Bianca ran behind me.

"Maybe we can reason with it?" The Demon actually suggested.

My feet slid on loose stones and I stumbled, gaining stability before I could fall over the edge.

"How is that supposed to work?" Margot asked.

"Dragons are intelligent creatures, if I speak to it, it might listen."

"Or it might eat us." Maxime wasn't all that hopeful.

A great shadow fell over us and I looked up to see one giant sandy coloured wing had stretched out into the sky.

The side of the Dragon's body, which had made up the entire side of the mountain we ran against moved so that we had plenty of room.

"Well now's your chance!" I called to the Demon over the sound of the beast's feet against the earth.

Spikes of what could have been made from bone or enamel punctuated the creature's scaly, rock skin and birds and other creatures that had been living in the crevices, flew and scampered away in shock. Two slitted pupils locked in on eyes, irises an earthly green and gold.

"Hi there!" The Demon stepped forward, all smiles.

The rest of us exchanged wary looks.

"Pleasant day we're having." They continued to step forward.

The Dragon moved toward them, body low to the ground and eyes unmoving from their figure.

"We were just passing through on the way to Dalewood."

"What use were they to us anyway?" Maxime pondered the prospect of their quite possible demise.

I was worried for the Demon, sure they had their moments, but I didn't believe they deserved to be eaten alive or scorched to ashes by a Dragon.

"But we just had to see you, we've heard so many great things about...your impressive fashion style." They gestured wildly.

I dropped my face into my hands.

"Would make a great pair of boots-or a few hundred." Ren remarked lowly.

The Dragon lowered its snout, so it was mere feet from the Demon's nose. It released a breath through its nostrils and flew the Demon off their feet.

We all held in a laugh.

"I'm getting Dragon and Donkey vibes." Drake spoke up.

"What?" I was confused.

"You know? From Shrek."

We then all burst out with laughter as the Dragon did appear to bat its eyelashes at the Demon.

"You are of the old kind." The Dragon proceeded to speak without moving its mouth.

"Yes." They answered, dusting themselves off. "You've been here since the beginning?"

"I was here before the beginning. I flew threw a portal in my realm, transporting me to this once new land of Devils." The voice certainly had a feminine edge to it. "I cannot go back through it, so I stay here."

"That's terrible." The Demon dared to rub the scaly snout. "I too was trapped for a long time." They referenced purgatory.

Maxime cleared his throat to signal that we needed to stay on topic and our course.

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