Chapter 5 Demons in Devilwood

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After a dreamless sleep we refilled our flasks with water from a clear stream and ate raw salmon as we continued on our way down the road.

I hung back in our group, keeping my space from the knights and my family as the trees grew thicker and brambles closed in on the road.

The lead knight began to whistle a sing song tune from the front.

"Four Witches of wood." One of the knights began to sing in baritone.

Iris looked back from ahead to exchange a disturbed look with me.

"Return with each talisman for greater good." The knights sang in harmony to a prophecy that had been converted into a song in the realm.

"Earth, water, fire and air." Their voices rang out in the quiet woodlands, echoing into the distance.

"Bloom of the earth, salt of the sea, blood of the flame and dales of prayer."

For a second I thought I heard someone singing back to them.

"To the land of Devilwood." They dragged out the name of the realm in one long breath.

"Very good." Drake clapped.

I looked around as I was sure I heard a humming from nearby.

"That song is hundreds of years old you know?" The leader of the knights boasted proudly.

"It's very short." Iris wasn't impressed.

"It's legend." A knight added. "It speaks of a call to arms as our realm falls to chaos."

"Sounds like a party." I remarked dryly to myself.

"Those twins have spat on the prophecy, the return to Oz wasn't supposed to happen this way." The knight elaborated.

"Nobody hears that?" I remarked upon the humming that was growing louder surrounding us.

"It's the Dryads." The lead knight answered nonchalantly. "Ignore them."

I took another look around us, doing the exact opposite of what he said. I noted that the trees did appear to move against the breeze in an unnatural way.

Whistling resumed and the knights sang again and again, switching up the tempo and alternating their parts.

By the time we reached the Bloodwood settlement night had fallen but the singing was only just ending.

"To the land of Devilwood." Cheers and applause greeted the knights as they re-joined their Coven.

Fire lit lanterns illuminated the dark thresholds of wooden cabins of the town the Bloodwood Coven resided in, most of the town shrouded in the dark of night.

"Welcome, welcome." A Warlock with a high red top hat and an accent that reminded me of Margot and Maxime's New Orleans heritage greeted us. "I'm sure you are all very hungry from your trip." He was quick to escort us to a buffet set up in a long log cabin.

I watched the Warlock converse with his knights as I found a seat beside Drake, the wolf opting to lie at my feet under the table. The four them then turned to look directly at me.

"Hell." I spoke under my breath as I looked away.

"They're coming for you." Subtly wasn't Drake's strong point as he pointed out from my right.

"I know." I retorted.

"Pippa Bloomwood." The Warlock sat down on my left. "My name is Ravana." He extended a slender, dark hand.

The Witches in Oz (Book 2 in The Witches Series)Where stories live. Discover now