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I had a heart attack on seeing the two pink lines on that tube. It made me scream like crazy. How could I forget the absence of a period for the past four months? Four friggin months! Just why?

"Jeez, Pearl. Seems like I'll be changing diapers in less than a year," Reece spoke with a little bit of fun. "Shut up," I said crying out myself.

I ran to my bed and covered myself up with the bedsheets. I can't take any more surprises, I'm full of it. "Hey, hey, Pearl, Don't cry, we will figure it out," She joined me on my bed and hugged me. This was all I needed.

"Do we know the father? " I shook my head in reply.

I sobbed on her chest and she patted me just like my mom. I felt her all around me. "It's been three hours, pearl, You should eat something, you haven't eaten all day," Reece got up from my bed and sat down on the floor.

"Shall I bring you something upstairs?" She asked ruffling my hair. I nodded and turned away from her.


I devoured two plates of French toast and almost a jar of pickles. Reece was a better cook than me. We used to have a picnic on Saturday every week and she would cook yummy dishes and I would always have the last piece.

"These are yummy," I drank a whole one-liter water bottle and took a long breath.

"Should we, like, take another test or something?" Reece asked still standing on the kitchen counter making soda. I watched her adding salt, soda, and a little bit of sugar. She brought it towards me and I raised my hands to grab one of it.

"Not for you," She kicked me and I landed on the couch. "I asked you a question," She gave me the mom look and I always seemed to obey it, however.

"Yes, just to be sure,"


I took another test and surprisingly it came out positive this time too. Yay. Sarcasm inserted.

"Congratulations," Reece mouthed to me while I started to cry. "Reece, I am not ready for it," I mumbled within my sob.

"It's okay, we will figure it out," She hugged me with all her might and I hugged her tighter than ever. My first baby.


We decided to tell the adults about this cause I was still a minor. Moreover, I was in a dilemma. I seriously needed their words.

"Praise the lord, Pearlin." My aunt was in tears and she hugged me pretty hard, just the level to make me and my baby die.

"I should call the doctor and fix you an appointment," She smiled from ear to ear and I couldn't find words to destroy her happiness. I was partially on with the idea of abortion cause I am a total mess right now, and I wanted to sort myself out.

But thinking of that word gave me killer vibes. Part of me wanted to see the happy face of the creation that I was making. I wanted to have my baby in my arms. That smile, my smile on that face, I am willing to pay anything to see that.

"What are you gonna do, honey?" Aunt asked cheerfully expecting me to say that I was keeping the baby.

"I don't know, aunt. I am confused," I said breaking down in front of them. My uncle and aunt tried to make me smile but I couldn't. "Baby, don't ever think of aborting that little thing," Aunt's face was then filled with tears. She hadn't had the opportunity to carry a child and they tried very hard. I felt sorry for them.

"I can't even-" She started sobbing very hard on my uncle's chest and I couldn't bear to see that. They longed for a child. They longed for its smile. They took care of us very well since our childhood. My parents used to go on trips around the world and Reece and I would be staying here until they came.

"No, I want to keep it," I said smiling wildly as ever. Reece jumped from the sofa and was enthusiastic about the arrival of the baby.

"Come here," Aunt hugged me hard to show her care for me, for us.


We are waiting outside the Obgyn, My aunt's friend was a doctor here and she made the appointment, on the same day. Literally.

At the corner of the hospital, I saw a family having their first meeting with the baby. I could see the pinky skin of the newborn and I had tingles all over my body.

"Excited?" Aunt gave me a little pinch and I smiled at that. "It's not my place to ask, but did your boyfriend know about this?" She again expected a smile from me but this time, I ended up telling her everything that happened in the past four months. Everything.

"Oh my god," she had tears in her eyes and it took me everything to control my tears.

"What did my little pearl do to go through all this?" She held both of our hands and squeezed it tight. "From now on, I am here for you my girl's," she placed warm kisses on both of our heads and hugged us.


"Hello Miss Jefferson, How are you doing today?" Dr.Bryan said as she smiled from ear to ear.

My aunt held my hand again as a sense of togetherness. "Pearlin," I said as I stood up. "I am fine Dr.Bryan". She smiled again. "Now we can go to the sonogram room to see your baby,"

My aunt was more excited than I already was.


I entered the room and all I could see were pictures of babies here and there and screw my pregnancy hormones! They made me cry! I couldn't bear the thought of losing my baby. I'm never thinking of abortion, I said to myself.

"Aren't  they all cute?" A lady in her mid-thirties cheerfully welcomed me. She had this positive vibe and a great personality.

"I can't wait to hold mine," I let out a very big smile which I hadn't used in a year.

She was nice to me. There was this gel like this that she applied on my belly and it was kind of uncomfortable.

But I bore it, for my child.

Soon after she kept the sonogram or whatever it was on my belly I was able to see a miracle. I was not sure which was which cause everything was pleasing to my eyes. Moreover, I am not a science student so yeah.

"Is my little bean alright, doc?" I asked still looking at the screen. I could see it's teeny tiny movements but the other thing got my eye.

 I could see it's teeny tiny movements but the other thing got my eye

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