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I dragged my eyes to open, which seemed like humans reaching Mars. It was difficult for me to just pop the eyes open. I moved my head side to side, regaining my posture, so That I could bring my hands together to mask the ray of sunlight that seemed to outweigh my  eyeshade.

I couldn't feel my hands anymore. It was entangled in a puzzle of tubes. My senses came to life as if they have not been used for decades. I smelled Steroids. The smell of injections.

"Hey hey, I'm here," I heard Reece speak and identified that she was sitting beside me. "Nice and slow, there there," She said as I made little movements with my eyeballs.

"Praise the lord, Pearlin, you are awake!" That was definitely my aunt's voice. I tried to smile but it became a failure like my friendship with blaze. Blaze, where is he?

"I'll call the doctor," Aunt Jenny rushed outdoor to the reception and the stepping of her heels made me open my eyes.

"Pearl, How do you feel?" Reece was crying in happiness and I searched for her hands and when I found them, I squeezed it with all my might. "That's a shitty question to ask right now," She sniffled and wiped her tears.

"I feel fine," I said as I got a good look at the ceiling. I remembered something real quick and I was alarmed. "Reece, what about my babies? Reece tell me, they are alright," I started to panic. My whole body shook in agony.

"Hey, they are alright," I found someone hugging me from behind. Blaze. "Shh, don't worry," I felt full as he deepend the hug, and decreased the distance between us.

"Blaze?" I asked, removing myself from the hug so that I could see his gorgeous face. "What happened?"

"Nothing," He hugged me and we were then complete.

"Hey we forgot this," Reece said, having the other big ass balloon which was supposed to reveal the gender of Baby B.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I said, crying. "Did i just miss the whole day?"

"Doesn't matter, pop it," Reece said handing me the pin. I looked at Blaze and found him genuinely smiling at me.

I grabbed the pin from her, Blaze held my hand and I froze for a second. Reece let out a smirk and I wanted her to hit her bad. No violence intended.

We, altogether popped the balloon and the next moment , There was a downfall of pink unicorns, chocolate, toys, and glittery stuff all around the ward. "It's a girl!" Reece excitedly exclaimed. "I was right!"

I smiled at My sister and scrunched my stomach. I was having a girl and boy, just like Blaze and Penny. I found him staring at this moment, intensively, as of he never wants to forget this moment.

For the second time, I saw him tearing up. He bent down to my bed and placed his tender hands on my naked belly. I felt heat rise up my cheeks. He wandered his hands all over them and they were active like fuck. I felt the first kick.

"Reece, I felt one of them kicking!" I shouted and Blaze was startled. And then immediately after that I ve felt the other kick too. "They are right here," I grabbed both their hands and tried to determine their positions. "Could you feel it?" I asked, like a crazy woman, with my eyes bulged out in excitement, unlike the patient I am.

"Ms. Jefferson," The doctor entered the bay and everybody's eye was fixed on her statement.

"Yes, Dr.Bryan,"

"I am so glad to inform that your babies are doing very fine," My heart felt whole again for the second time. "But the person who needs care is you."

Me? I'm completely alright.


"Yes, your blood sugar level is high and we are afraid you might be subjected to Diabetes in the time of delivery," No, I will be alright. I'm going to be.

Blaze came near me and they knew his presence. He grabbed my shaking hand and squeezed it tight. "I'm here,"  he raised my hands and placed gentle kisses.

"I have prescribed medications which should be taken on regular basis, and you little fella," He gazed at Blaze who was then having my hand near his chest, startled. "You better keep your stuff zipped up and no more coitus,"

Blaze spit on his own saliva.

"Take care, Mister," Dr.Bryan left ,Blaze with blushing hard , and me, filled with embarrassment. My aunt and Reece giggled.


We were seated on our backyard. Blaze and Me. Silence filled the air with the snuggling birds' cacophony. The surrounding was calm and soothing. I rubbed my belly with my hands and Blaze looked at me sometimes and Will turn away getting him caught by surprise.

"You know what, Pearl, I like you," Blaze just spotted on my face, directly. There was no beating around the bush, stirring milk and all. That's what I liked about him.

"What?" I stressed the Aa part, more like dramatised.

"Yeah, Pearl Jefferson, I like you," He averted his gaze now spontaneously onto me, with, I don't know, sent me butterflies.

"Wh-" I started but he continued. "I also like you for what you are, " His fingers trailed over my chin. They were soft.

"Blaze, I don't even know your name," I laughed it off and he quickly removed his fingers, in disappointment.

"Hmpf, that's what bothering you?" He again made me look into his eyes. With the most boyish and handsomest smile, he said, "I'm Parker,"


Parker Blaze.

Parker Blaze likes me.

Parker Blaze likes me for what I am.

You are officially Pearlin Blaze- no! Stop it.

"What?" He smiled ah god, kill me now. Not literally .

"Nothing, it's just came out sudden," I just blatantly said, without emotions.

"It's completely normal of you don't like me back, I understand. I understand that you wanted to concentrate more on your babies, I understand that you need to be focused on your health, but I'm just saying that, In every milestone of your life, I'll be and wanna be with you, I know that we have been just hanging around as friends but-"

I silenced him with a kiss on his lips. A kiss was what made him stop. Man, I adore this man a lot.

I kept my closed lips there under the influence of his lips and he didn't kiss me back. He just froze. Did I move so fast, ah damn that's gonna be awkward after that. Shit, I should never have-

"You are gorgeous," He said, removing his lips from mine and swept up my extra baby hairs aside and kissed me in the lips. Oh damn, this is the most friggin amazing kiss I have ever experienced.

Oh no, He just slided his tongue inside, no no, I melted right away and accessed him further. He moaned inbetween the kiss and I balanced his posture by grabbing his dirty blond hair gently. I ruffled through his hairs, until I moaned to the max. Fuck.

But I didn't know, I was not supposed to go 'further'. I was out of breath and I couldn't breath anymore. I backed out and Stood up.

"Anything wrong?" He stood up along with me and placed his hands over my shoulder. "Are you okay?" he made me sit on the bench and ran inside for water.

I even smiled when I was out of breath. I was happy. But Pearlin was not supposed to be happy, does she?


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