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I sat and patiently listened to the teacher going over the course for the semester. He went over briefly about the skills and techniques he wants us to be using when we take pictures of our muses.

We get to decide on what we want our muse to be. I wonder what mine would be?

Then one by one he passed around a roster and had us sign our names to it. I was the last to sign so I took it up to the teacher.

As I headed back to my desk he called me back up.

"Yes?" I asked curious to why I was called back.

He looked at me and then looked down at the roster before him. "Renesmee Cullen right?" he asked me.

I narrowed my eyes. "How did you know that?"

"I've been with these students for three years I should know all the faces by now don't you think?" He replied. "You on the other hand I don't know which brings me to my next question." I waited silently. "Why are you in this class?"

I linked my fingers together behind my back. "Sir this was placed on my schedule." I blushed.

He shook his head before turning his back on me and grabbing a thick binder off his desk before opening it and handing it to me. "What does it say?" he said before placing his finger on the page.

"Prerequisites are..." I didn't even bother finishing reading. I was impatient and truthfully a bit embarrassed to be having this discussion infront of a class of strangers. I sighed bitterly. "I know what it says I read it."

"Have you taken the prerequisites?"

I shook my head. "No. This is my first year here."

"Well then why are you here?"

I released my hands and let them hang limply at my side. "Look sir, I don't know who did my schedule but your class is on my class list. If its about the money I can pay."

Mr. Hawthorne scoffed. "It's not about the money its about the skill. Have you ever operated a black room or chemically processed pictures?"

I slowly shook my head. "No sir but I know the theory."

He began to laugh and then as quickly as it began his face grew hardened, his lips pressing into a thin line. "Get out of my class you are wasting my time." he said calmly.

I felt my skin began to prickle uncomfortably. Why was this man so rude.

"But I need an elective." I said in a small voice.

I could feel the eyes of the entire class on the back of my head. Even though I was the strongest in the class, possibly even the entire school, I felt weak and small. So small. I held my breath to try and keep the tears from unleashing.

He turned away from me and went to his desk where he began rummaging. After what seemed like hours - but was just under a minute - he came back to me with a paper in his hand.

"Why don't you try something that requires no talent at all like band class." He handed me the paper.

I glanced at the title of the class he was referring me to.

A232 Chamber Orchestra

"Wait..." he smirked. "You need talent in order to get in. Guess you are on your own."

I gasped. Why was this man being so rude to me? Was he like that to all his students?

I quietly walked back to my desk, avoiding eye contact with any students, and began hastily packing my things.

Sunlight - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now