Birds and the Bees

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Finally they released their hands and Leah took a step back. They started a conversation that I was unable to catch as I had to move so the others could enter the house. I wonder what they were talking about?

"Renesmee." I heard my father's voice call from upstairs. "Please come here."

I glanced at Leah and Tyler once more before heading upstairs. As I came up to the third floor landing I saw my father waiting outside the door to his bedroom. He beckoned me to follow him.

Taking a deep breath I walked down the end of the hall and entered their bedroom hesitantly. As I moved deeper into my parents room my eyes began darting around to take in the scene that unfolded before me. This was the first time I had ever really seen my parents room.

The layout was identical to my own with the two stories. The upper played host to the sleeping area and the lower was the main floor.

Just like my room the walls were upholstered but in a champagne color. The floors were a beautiful wood in an ivory color that matched the curtains on the doors to the balcony. The windows framed by long beige curtains that grazed the floors with its lace ends.

Sitting in the center of the room was an off-white grandpiano. It's place couldn't seem anymore perfect then it already was.

On the farside of the walls was a sitting area that made up a large portion of the northwest corner of the room. It overlooked the back of the property which was mostly a swimming area. Antique-rustic bookshelves rose up the vaulted ceilings and were filled with books, most aged with brittle spines.

Just feet from the sitting area in the southwest corner was an antique chess table. Opposite the table on the southeast corner was a desk covered in files. I spotted one with my name on a lable and was barely able to see my mothers name on the one beneath it.

Across from that was a massive cd player and a large selection of cds. Most of it was classical and chamber music and the rest was a mixture of rock, dark wave, alternative and worldly music.

Strategically placed through out the room were pictures of my parents during their years together in high school, the wedding and even the honey moon. These were in different colors ranging from color, sepia, grey and even black and white. The biggest of them all was of the three of us and sat just above a set of dates. I only recognized one and that was my birthdate.

"It's beautiful in here." I whispered as my eyes looked over the room again.

"Thank you baby girl." My mother said as she took my hand and brought me over to the window seats where we sat down.

My father sat on the other side of me and stared at the floor, his face hardened. He was in one of his 'statue' modes, as mom would call them. This usually only happened when his nerves were on edge. Why were his nerves on edge?

I rose my hand and placed it on his shoulder and he quickly came back to life.


"Why am I here?"

My father glanced at my mother and then spoke. "Your mother and I decided that after the recent events-" He paused momentarily, his fist raising to touch his lips in a nervous manner. "Your mother and I think it be better for you to be aware and alert then ignorant and vulnerable."

My forehead scrunched up in confusion. "I'm sorry but I don't really understand."

"We think its time to have the talk about the birds and the bees." my mother said.

"I already know what birds and bees are mom."

My father held up his hand to gain my attention. "The birds and the bees is an English-language idiomatic expression that refers to courtship and sexual intercourse through reference to easily observed natural events."

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