alone with sebby

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the bell rang you tried to sneak out with the rest of the kids and Sebastian walk up to you and pick you up bridal style

"Sebastian stop put me down i know how to walk" everyone looked at you then you looked up at Sebastian.'is he really trying to seduce me' you thought you and him sat in the classroom then he started a conversation

"so about ciel" he ask

(p.s. ciel made new friends and kinda ditched you)

"yes" you say quickly "well it appears he has made new friends and isn't hanging out with you that much" Sebastian says "will---" you were cut off by Sebastian lifting your chin up just inches away from each others faces "Mr.Michealis" you manage to say and push back his arm away. you did like him but him liking you back you thought you were day dreaming again . after that you walked home with him just before you turned to your street Sebastian said his goodbyes and peaked you on the cheek you blushed madly and hugged him and ran to your house 'that was weird' you thought

*like 2-3 weeks later*

you and Sebastian grew really closer he gave you kisses but you never returned them as you two were walking home Sebastian put him arm around your waist "Sebastian you do know that a teacher and student can't date right" you say ask you look up at him "well then let's keep that a secret" you got confused "ok wait Sebastian are you saying that we are dating" you questioned "if that what my lady would like to call it then yes _________ we are" a nice little smirk formed on his face "and ciel is going to stay at a friends house too night and i must find a place to stay the night" you just invited him to stay at your house once you got home you told him you were taking a shower and to stay on your room .

once you were just about done Sebastian came into the bathroom and walk into the showers you turn to she him smirking you quickly grabbed a towel trying not to slip then you did slip Sebastian caught you and plopped you back into the shower and bathe with you 'ok this is way to far we just started today' then you remembered Sebastian was your first kissed during your little day dream Sebastian moved closer too you snapped back to reality and said "i'm done" got out and went to your room and get dress


you were deciding what to make for dinner before your mom came home so you woundn't have to eat her terrible food sebastian walked in and said he will make dinner ok you thought hopeful it will be better then my moms and walk letting he start.

da end for now

k sorry havn't been posting that much but i'll post next week sometime bye

sebastian x reader: the new teacherWhere stories live. Discover now