Sebastian pov

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I got up to close the door and I see a little _____ colour book. I walked over and pick it up and walk into my room again and began reading

Dear diary

Today was the same as always. But their was a new kid and new teacher because Mr.R got in an accident not long ago.

Dear diary

So I guess I made two new friends ..... well........ its more like teacher and classmate. ciel Phantomhive, Ciel and Sebastian Michaelis, Mr.Michaelis or out of school just Sebastian.

Dear diary

Ciel made some new friends... so now..... it kinda just me and sebastian now I guess. Also sebastian gave me a kiss on the cheek today.

Dear diary

So apparently me and sebastian are dating now I guess well it kinda a secret since student and teacher can't date.

Dear diary

So sebastian stayed at my house last night I can't remember that much honesty I got drunk and black out but sebastian made me wear a tiny little nightgown and cat ears since I black out he carried me back and changed my clothes for me.

Dear diary

So today me and sebastian went to the mall after that I tried to finish my homework. while sebastian got ciel I guess he forgot about his master oh yeah did I forget to mention Sebastian's is ciel's butler. at least I finished ALL of my homework after sebastian came back ciel was in a carriage and we went to the Phantomhive manor and right now I'm in my room writing to you now so tonight I can sleep instead of staying up all night.

Dear diary

So about last night since I wrote early I couldn't write about the other stuff that happened last night. last night sebastian and I did it so he left me bunch of love bites and hickeys. anyway ciel ended up seeing them today and thought he raped me he asked me if I loved sebastian, sebastian answered ciel got mad stormed off I got mad at sebastian and left early.

Dear diary

I slept in this morning and had to run to school I had sebastian as my first class he faked that I didn't finish all of my homework so I had to stay to do fake homework. and apparently my hickey and stuff were fading so he want to claim me again ciel walked in and order sebastian to leave me alone.

Dear diary

So here I am today steal sebastian hasn't talked to me.

Dear diary

Nothing from sebastian if only I ciel never liked me maybe this would have never happened.

* end of diary*

I didn't know that ____ me and ciel were the ones who changed her life she's so adorable I can't take it anymore I have to see her not like I haven't disobey masters orders before.

I ran to all the way to ______ house using my demon speed I think I should tell her about me being a demon maybe I feel the way she feels. would anyone love a demon?

sebastian x reader: the new teacherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora