A real life update two years later (i published a book!)

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Heyyy guys!
So I'm not sure if any of y'all knew this but I recently published a poetry book!
It's a collection of poems about my experience with anxiety, depression, depersonalisation, (and a bunch of other fun stuff) and it actually includes some poems which I published on here, plus a whole bunch of new ones!!
You can order the book in hard copy form on my website (www.jessrobus.com btw) and for kindle on Amazon - it's called a few slivers of light. There'll be a print on demand option up on Amazon soon but we're still working on that lol
I'd love for y'all to go check it out and I hope it can mean something to you - it's a really special book to me and I hope that y'all will be able to see something in it too xx
I'm also on Facebook (it's weird. I don't like it.) at Jess Robus and on Instagram as jess_celestes_musical_mayhem where I post songs and stuff too!
So sorry for not updating in eons but this is what I've been up to!
Loads of love,
Jess xxx
Also, feel free to review it on Amazon! It would mean a lot to me :)

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