Chapter Three

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Klaus POV:

I still can't believe that the Quagmires are here, in our apartment, alive.I t's more than I ever could have hoped for, and I can tell that Violet feels the same. She keeps glancing over to them, as if to make sure that they won't disappear. " Dinner is served!" announces a triumphant Beatrice, holding two bowls in her hand, her shirt splattered with pasta sauce. " Pasta Puttanecsa!" Violet and I share a smile as we remember the first time that we cooked this dish, only to be reprimanded for not making roast beef. I can still feel the ghost of the bruise that Count Olaf's hand left on my face. Thankfully, this is a much happier occasion. Once everyone has received a portion, between mouthfuls of pasta and with much encouragement from Violet and I, the Quagmires tell their story. They tell us how after escaping in Hector's Self-Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home they drifted aimlessly through the sky, searching for a clue to the location of the Baudelaires or VFD. "It was so lonely at the time," says Isadora, tearing up. " We had lost you and we thought that Quigley was dead. We had no idea where to turn." Duncan places in arm around his sister comfortingly. But then, above the ruins of Antwhistle Aquatics they caught sight of a figure. " They found me," Quigley says with a smile.  "After that Hector promised that he'd take us to the last safe place, but by the time we arrived it was nothing more than a burned out carcass."

"The Hotel Denouement." Violet whispers. "Where did you go next?"

"Well," Duncan explains," After we looked through the ruins of the hotel and found neither you nor any VFD evidence, Hector's mother said that we were welcome to live with her until we found our feet and made a plan."

"But there was evidence," I interject, much to the confusion of everyone else. "In the hotel Denouement," I explained, "There is a literal library of VFD research in the subbasement area." the Quagmires gazes him with astonishment in their eyes. "You mean, it's not burnt down?" Isadora finally asks. "We have to go there! It's a figurative treasure trove!"

"We were going to take Beatrice for her birthday in two weeks. If you like, you could come along. We could investigate the hotel together." Violets says. "And, Beatrice, this pasta is cooked perfectly!"

"Why just the hotel?" Beatrice ask. 'why don't we start from where you all met? Both sets of parents along with many other members of VFD attended Prufrock Prep. There's bound to be a decent amount of information about the founders there. We could go visit Hector and his mother in the city at her gallery. We could fetch Sunny up from culinary school to join us! We could do a road trip through the Hinterlands! Skiing and camping at the summit of Mt Fraught, and end it all off with a visit to the hotel." Beatrice says, getting excited. "Oh and thank you Violet." She adds hurriedly. "Well, I think we're going to have a lot of planning to do and we definitely going to have to ask the Quagmires before dragging  them along on a road trip, but I think that it sounds like a good idea. I also think that it's your bedtime, Little Bee." says Violet, getting up from her chair to give me a hug. "Goodnight, Beatrice."

"Good night, everyone!"

Hey guys, I'm going to be updating this later this week. Please tell me what you think and if you have any (constructive) criticism. Thanks! As a new fanfic writer and someone who hasn't used this platform before, I'd love to hear.

xxx Jess

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