Chapter Nine

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Author's note:
Hey guys! I usually put a note at the end of the chapters, but I'd just like apologize for making these last few chapters so Kladora focused. There's some Dunclet stuff coming up in this chapter I promise 🙃🙃
xxx Jess
Isadora Pov:
I feel a little more confident than before. At least now we have some idea of where to go. I can hear footsteps behind me and Klaus walks in step beside me. "You were really great figuring out those anagrams." I say.
"Well, that would have been useless without your knowledge of medieval literature." he replies almost instantaneously.
Klaus sighs and pushes his glasses up his nose. "Coming back here has triggered so many memories."
We both look behind us at the old buildings and, a few steps behind us, Duncan and Violet walking very close. I smirk and Klaus does to before continuing. "Izzy, I just want to say that I'm sorry you got involved in this. If it wasn't for us showing up, you and Duncan wouldn't have been kidnapped at all. We tend to make lives a lot worse when we show up." The look on his face is so sad and sincere. My heart aches to see him like this, and I step in front of him, placing my hands on his shoulders. "Klaus Baudelaire. You did not and do not make lives miserable. My life became so much better when you arrived. Prufrock Prep would be my favorite place in the world if you where there with me." Almost before I realize what I'm doing I place a featherlight kiss on Klaus's cheek. He looks as startled as I feel, and I quickly remove my arms vrom around him and walk through the wrought iron gates accompanied by Duncan's snickering and yells of, "I knew it!" from Beatrice.

Duncan  POV (A/N: 😏😉) :
We board the rickety trollrey on the way back into the city. Finally some evidence! I think to myself. And of more than one type. We must have spent more time than we expected at Prufrock Prep because the sky is tinged orange and a light purple that's almost... "Violet." I must have said it out loud because Violet's head turns curiously toward me. "Sorry, I was just looking at the sky and it was Violet. Didn't mean to disturb you." I scream inwardly. Duncan Quagmire, you absolute dunce! She's not colorblind, fool! She can see that the sky is purple! Violet smiles faintly. "When I was younger my parents would tell me that the sky had been made especially for me. My father would say that it was 'Violet for his Violet.' They even wrote a poem about it.
'The sky's been painted just for you
O'er shimmering seas, a carpet of blue
So close your eyes and do not fear
Because, the world is quiet here."
"They sound like wonderful people." I say. Violet's eyes are misty as she looks out of the window.
"They certainly were." Her eyes are in pain although I know she's trying to hide it. I realize something- I don't want to see Violet hurting. I want to be with her every hour of every day and I want to make the hurt go away. Couplets?! I think. I'm turning into Isadora! I take a deep breath and say, "Violet, I," just as the conductor calls out, "All out for Dark Avenue!" As we step off of the trollet, Violet seems not to have noticed me calling her. Who am I to think that the brilliant, beautiful Violet Baudelaire would ever fall for me?

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