Chapter Eight

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Quigley POV:
"Next stop, Prufrock Prep!" We hurriedly step off of the trolley and walk through the dismal gates of Prufrock Preparatory School. My siblings have told me so many stories about their dismal time at this woeful institute that I had an image in my head of how bad it would be, but this is 1000 times worse made even more so by the crumbling, ivory-covered buildings. "Remember when we first arrived here and thought that the buildings looked like tombstones?" Violet whispers. "I think that our first impression was entirely correct." Klaus replies. We walk throught the decaying school. There's the cafeteria- where Izzy and Duncan first met the Baudelaires, I think. There are two classrooms, but which one'd which? They're practically identical! Oh, there's the broom closet. We finally reach the library. "We should be looking for any information on the members of VFD, like a list or a notebook. A library is like an island in a vast sea of ignorance-" Klaus says
"Especially if the library is tall and the surrounding area is flooded." Isadora finishes. She smiles at Klaus who smiles back, but when their eyes meet the two quickly look away. Gah.It's sickening how perfect they are for each other. After several tense minutes of working, the large oak doors of the library swing opening. Sunny gasps. The library is a mess. Bookshelves are overturned, with large volumes lying on the floor and loose pages everywhere. We split up and begin to examine the rubble. It's difficult work as many of the books are missing pages or coated in dust and grime. Eventually, we tally and find that although we have no information on VFD there are several books on snake Molotov cocktails, snake venom, leeches and other things. Klaus sighs sadly. "It's awful that these books are in a state of disrepair. They would have been so useful a few years ago." I hardly hear him as I'm staring at the book in my hands. It reads, in faded ink, Versal Furlough Dialogue. VFD. "I think I've found something!" I shout. The others rush over to where I'm standing to look at the book in my hands. "VFD! I think you have!" Beatrice gives me a warm smile. "But what does it mean?"
"Furlough means leave of absence, especially in the military, and we all know what a dialogue means, but I'm not sure about versal." Klaus says.
"It usually means a large or ornate capital letter to begin a manuscript or dialogue." Isadora replies. "It's typically used in medieval literature."
"Well, if there are lots of different dialogues contained in this book and they're all versal, then maybe they spell something out, like a code or an instruction!" Beatrice cries.
"Bea, you're a genius. Let's get reading, everyone."

Klaus POV:
After about half an hour of reading, the versal letters spell out a phrase: YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.
It makes less than no sense. Duncan  is pacing up and down and Violet is sitting cross-legged on the floor with her head in her hands. "I don't understand. This has to mean something, but what could it be? Maybe it's a code or an anagram?"
Violet's head lifts from her hands as she repeats dreamily, "Anagrams.." this is going too far. I know that she likes Duncan, but turning into a parrot is going too far in my opinion. Her expression, however, is determined, and when she reaches into pocket for her hair ribbon, I begin to think that she has more then a Duncan-fueled infatuation. She has an idea. "Klaus." she says, holding the book in her hands and flicking through it. "When I was held captive in the Heimlich Hospital, Count Olaf had me there under the fake name Laura V. Bleediote, which is,"
"An anagram, yes, I know," I say, "but there's no comprehensive anagram for YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS."
"What if the anagram is not for YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? What if we were looking in the wrong place? We started off looking for a list of names and that's exactly what we have!"
Violet opens the book to the front page, where, in pride of place, there is a list of characters contained in the initial dialogue. It reads,
A dialogue by LaFo
"And, as you can see, the top three names can be rearranged to form Beatrice, Bertram and Lemony. The last two,"
"Belonged to our parents." says Duncan. "Quentin and Adeline were their names." Another names is almost screaming at me from the page. LaFo. LaFo... "Olaf!" I shout, startling Isadora who is standing next to me. "The writer of this dialogue was Count Olaf!"
"And the title, 'Return to the Place of No Light' must be an instruction! Return to Dark Avenue!" Isadora joyfully exclaims. I grasp her hands in mine and say, "Izzy, let's go to the city."

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