With a Promise

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I, Alibaba Saluja, have a predicament.

That was the first thought that sprung up with no warning as I discovered that I was clinging to Kouen's naked torso, the smooth skin warm underneath the small of my cheek; his arm resting on -my thankfully clothed- back, effectively confining me to the bed. Fearfully I peeled back the sheets, letting out a sigh of relief at seeing he was wearing pants, assuring myself nothing had happened last night.

So much for keeping things on a professional level.

I'm pretty sure sleeping with your boss broke a few 'professionalism' standards. "That didn't come out right." I muttered to myself, conflicted weather I should try to sneak away, or wake up Kouen to spare the effort.

"So you have to do what the other person says?" Kouen asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, its's pretty fun with the right people." I explained, sitting across from him;  regardless of how it was now five in the morning we both had agreed that our insomnia was an perpetual condition, and decided to pass time with a game. "So truth or dare?"


"The weirdest habit you've ever had?"

He hesitated, tilting his head in thought. "I pulled on my brother's hair often when I was little."

I offered the most dubious expression at that. "Okay. You ask."

"Need I really?"

"Yes!" I waved my hands encouragingly.

"Truth or dare."

"Dare." I accidentally let my usual reply slip out; terrified at the voracious grin that quickly manifested on his lips.

"Come with me." He beckoned, guiding me to the kitchen. Shuffling through the cabinets I recognized various liquors and fruits. I watched as he tossed various ingredients into a food processor, I watched as he poured in different drinks creating a tri-colored rainbow of green, blue and yellow. "A hobby of mine." He slid the glass towards me; if I weren't so preoccupied with the drink I would've mistaken his smile for a gentle one.

"Is that a cocktail?" I couldn't help to ask,  as I lifted the glass to my lips. "That's really good!"  I recognized the tang of pineapple instantly, also a subtle effervesce in the first yellow layer. Happily finishing the glass, Kouen watched intently.  "How long have you been mixing?"

"A few years." He admitted.

"That's really cool- ah was that my dare." I stuttered dumbly. "Truth or dare?"


I giggled, running into the living room, pushing the couch against the wall to create more space. "My brother- he wrestles- and when we were younger he practiced a lot of his moves on me." I started, meeting Kouen's questioning gaze. "After a while I picked up a few moves myself- so wrestling turned into a little hobby of mine. I dare you to try a three minuet round- no breaking bones or anything I probably would have to slave away for twenty years to replace." I started listing the rules on my fingers. "And we have ten seconds to get off the ground."

Mildly amused, Kouen joined me in the living room. "What happens if I loose?"

"I duno- I have to figure that out."

"If you loose you'll have to give me a full body massage." He declared proudly.


A quick nod was all I needed to rush at him, knocking him to the ground; my arm snaking around his head in my favorite submission lock, my legs wrapping around his chest. The muffled, startled cry he let  out was ignored after a few seconds his hand slammed against the tile. Releasing him, his hair in disarray and the most stunned expression evident on his face. "What happened?"

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