And limited Time

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The mixture of burnt wood, cinnamon and smoke warming my skin as I curled up on a plush cushion next to Kouen who held a book in one hand, the other wrapped around my shoulder; I leaned up and nibbled on his ear, displeased by his lack of reaction I sucked on his neck leaving a dark purple mark.

"I can't hide that." He chuckled, the low, deep rumble and subtle rise and fall of his chest that I found soothing as I rested my head down on his pectorals that were exposed by the kimono he had haphazardly thrown on when I managed to coax him from the silk blankets this morning.

I giggled, rocking slightly back and forth. "It'll still be snowing later, maybe the snow will help." I joked admiring the white fluffs swirling and sticking to the glass cabin window. "Let's build a snowman!"

A small smile spread on his lips as he leaned down and kissed me lightly, eagerly I leaned up and he chuckled. "You're adorable."

"Shut it." I snapped playfully, my head falling back down to his chest. "I'm going to miss this." Mournfully I shifted closer.

He glanced away, rubbing my shoulder and tracing small circles with his fingers.

"You know, my mom and I when we lived in Reim we would go up to this old clock tower on the edge of the capitol- it's so rundown that I almost fell through the stairs, bt my mom was always there for me. We'd go up to the top and look through the dusty glass and sit on the rusty gears and look at the sky- of course the clouds never let the sun through, and my breathing problems are probably because of all the pollution but I'd listen to her talk. She had a really pretty voice. She was working for my father as an inter to get a degree in preforming arts." I laughed- almost bitterly. "Guess it didn't go as planned." I sighed, looking up at Kouen who listened intently. "My dad, when he got really sick, I asked him if he loved my mother. He said he did, with all his heart."

"Sounds romantic. It's unfortunate it didn't work out." Kouen mused pulling me closer.

I nodded, my voice muffled by what I said next; "Romantically tragic. I should write a book."

"Careful, your brother might sue."

I openly gaped at his horrid attempt a joke before bursting out into laughter. I grabbed his cheeks and bite playfully on his lower lip. "I love you so much!" I laughed trowing my arms around his shoulders. Grinning mischievously I wiggled out of his arms and skipped into our large room where a small northern rodent that had crawled through the open window while me and Kouen were...occupied with other activities...which ended with Kouen and his bullshit laughter that caused his shoulders to rumble as if there was an earthquake in his stomach and my face burning as I glared at the little shit. With a grin I held my hand out for the small mammal who sniffed at it warily before poking my hand with it's wet black nose.

"You won't barge in on us again will you?" I inquired as I shifted through my bag of clothes. He it was. As if it understood perfectly the little rodent huffed and stood on it's short fluffy blue legs and i's large belly sagged below it as it tediously turned and curled up into itself. After I changed into the blue koi kimono hanging off my shoulder loosely, as I blushed. Despite my slight embarrassment, I purred tip toeing over to his side as his grinned with the same enthusiasm as a beast about to bite down on it's prey as his fingers worked the blue obi off my waist.

How fitting.

When the snow had finally settled in mounds outside I sat down on the wooden porch scooping snow into my numb fingers as Kouen leaned against the open Shoji while he smoked a long, thin pipe with metal ends. "Kouen." I stood abandoning my project as I strode over to his side, staring at the pipe curiously. "I've never seen you smoke before."

Burn (BoyxBoy Slash Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें